Chapter 48

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Hey there. ✋

Miss me? 

Yeah, sorry for being away for about two months. School sucks.
But hey!
It's spring break . FINALLY!!




( Robert's POV )

I know it's noon already, but I got no intention in leaving the bed. Yes, I did promise Rose that I won't lock myself up here but I don't have the will to actually move. Luckily, I got few hours of peaceful sleep for the first time in about a week.

About an hour passed and I started wondering why she hadn't come up yet. I  left the door unlocked , knowing that once she feels like it she will brag in and throw me out of bed. Maybe she thinks I'm still asleep? Maybe she is still asleep herself. I made her stay up late waiting for me last night. It amazed me how nothing matters to her when she cares about someone. She always puts her loved ones first. She loves everyone genuinely once she trust them enough. She has been hurt because of that. Yet she still care. Maybe it's a little harder to earn her trust now. I know I earned it and now I wish I didn't. Every time she asks me if I'm okay my heart gets heavier and guilt starts crawling it's way until I'm suffocating.

Enough thinking about all this. I know it's impossible to just wash all this away. But I managed to do that before. It took me years, but I did. I can do it again if things stayed the same. If she never found out.
Maybe I can't forgive myself like she told me to. But I know I should stop somehow, because it will definitely drive me to insanity one day.

I finally sat up and got out of bed. I walked to the bathroom and once my eyes landed on my reflection on the mirror I was straddled. I look like Sh*t. It took me some time to fix this mess. To actually freshen up and look more presentable. I also finally took care of my injured hands. I know it's useless anyway.

When I was done I got out of the room and headed down stairs to the kitchen. She wasn't there as I expected her to be. Maybe she's in the living room or something. I made myself my usual coffee cup and got out of the kitchen again. I called her name once but I got no answer.  I checked the living room to find nothing. Only her laptop and phone was there, so I assumed that she might still be asleep. I went upstairs again and stopped in front of her door.

" Rose are you awake?  "

I got no response.

I called again.

Still nothing. 

" Rose? "

When I got no reply for the third time I  concluded that she is still sleeping and decided to get back to my room. But then I remembered that she usually wakes up way earlier than now. Even if she slept late, she won't wake up this late. What if something wrong?

Without no more thinking I turned back to her room. I didn't know if I should knock or not. Last time it pissed her off. Maybe I should. I knocked on the door lightly and called her.


I opened the door to find the room absolutely empty. Like no one has ever been there. The bed was made. Some of the guns and weapons that was in her back bag was on the bedside table along with her bracelet. Only one gun missing. Her closet had nothing.

I rushed downstairs and searched everywhere in hopes that I would find her sitting there with her things demanding me to go and visit Harry because he didn't.

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