Chapter 22

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( Rosalyn's POV)

Bang... Bang..... Bang

I heard gunshots and ran towards the office. My parents in a pool of blood.
The murderer was standing there not noticing me. I wanted to move further. To punch him and shoot him until I was out of bullets. But I couldn't. The shock I was in prevented me from even thinking.

The murderer turned and saw me. I was terrified that he was going to kill me too. He didn't move, flinsh or even tried to run away .

He looked at me. His face is blur. I couldn't identify his facial expressions. Thought, he looks so familiar. But I couldn't quite figure out who he is.

His eyes are now teary as he dropped on his knees. He looked at me once again before looking down to the floor in front of him.

Suddenly, a black shadow invaded him. I stood there scared to move, watching him struggling out of it. He was drowning slowly into it. He looked at me one last time . A look of guilt and sorrow, before he faded away.

Suddenly the scene changed. I was surrounded by mountains and trees. I turned to see that I was standing on a cliff . I was taking another step when my leg slipped and I was about to fall . To my luck someone grabbed me in the right moment. The person fell instead of me. I screamed in agony as I tried to reach for him but I failed. I watched as his body was falling then hitting the ground. Again I wasn't able to figure out who he is.

My heart aches and I don't know why. I started crying and sobbing uncontrollably.
Out of nowhere, I was holding someone's lifeless body as tears poured out of my eyes.

Then the scene changed again.
I looked up to the blue sky. I can tell that I was falling. My stomach and abdomen hurts but I ignored it.
I closed my eyes feeling the freedom one last time. When I opened them again I was in someone's arms.
Falling together.
Until we were few feet from the ground. He flipped our bodies, and his collided with the ground first. I felt the cold snow making contact with my body. I turned my head slowly to see blood around both of us mixed with the white snow before I drifted into darkness.


I was laying on my bed, staring at the ceiling while recalling the nightmare I had earlier. I couldn't sleep after that. I was -as usual - over thinking it. It's a bad habit of mine.

This one was different from the ones I usually have. Even from the one including Harry. This one felt so real, so terrifing and too heartbreaking.
This one means something I still can't put my fingers on.
I was frustrated that I couldn't figure out who they are, the murderer, the one who saved me from the cliff, the lifeless body
and the one I was falling with in his arms. They are definitely not the same. But I'm not really sure of that.

When I woke up and found Robert there watching me, I got angry and scared too to be honest. I was angry because I thought he was standing there satisfied by watching me suffer.
And scared because I don't want anyone to see how week and vulnerable I am. I know he will change his idea of me. The strong and stubborn girl wasn't what she pretended to be. I hate it.

I know I should not care about how people see me but I couldn't help it. He seeing the other side of me made me terrified. I know he is going to use that against me.
Although he was trying to comfort me and asked me if I'm okay, he even tried to apologize, but I couldn't trust him.

When I woke up and saw him, he looked lost. At the kitchen when he asked me if I'm okay made me confused as hell. I was going to rip off my hair because of him. First he bugged me to talk then when I did the same he called me names. After that I have a nightmare and wake up to find him there watching me and then asks me if I'm okay.

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