Chapter 16

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( Rosalyn's POV )

All the anger management lessons I took were now put in action. Clearly he annoys the hell out of me. I tried my best not to rip off his head. God, that would have been such a pleasure.

It's really bothering me that I can't remember where did I meet him. If that even happened. But I do feel like I've seen him before. That's frustrating.

When the meeting ended, I saw the girls heading towards him. They started a small conversation with him.
And it was written on their foreheads

' Hey there handsome, we're flirting. '

I can't help it but roll my eyes. To be honest he is handsome and all, but c'mon our team has the handsomest guys in this organization. And they are younger.

What really surprised me was Sara. She f***ing talked to him! Sara never talks to someone who she just met. And let's just say Andrew was jealous as hell. He had a small crush on her. But that's his story to tell.

The guys went to say hello to him too then everyone went back to what they were doing. I went out of the meeting room and walked to Harry.

" Hey Hazz , What are you going to do now? "

" I don't know, I want to go back home and sleeeeeeeeeeep." He said then yawned while saying the last word.

I chuckled at his adorablness .

" I guess I'm going back home too, it was a long day. "

" Yea. By the way,I'm really impressed by how you controlled your anger earlier. If I were you I would have killed him already."

I laughed " Yea, I was impressed myself."

" Okay I'm going to excuse myself for today and head home. See ya tomorrow or tonight, depends on what time I'm gonna wake up " I nodded and he smiled, kissed my forehead then walked away.

"Hey. " speaking of the devil.

I turned to face the annoying bastard.

What a nickname!

" What? " I tried to stay calm, but I couldn't. There's something in his face that automatically make me irritated and annoyed. I guess he successfully made his first impression.

" Ummmm.... I just don't know the way out..... can you ...mmm...take me to the main gate.... please? "

Wow! Now he's acting all polite and sweet.

You can't deceive me devil !

He gave me the puppy eyes look. I rolled my eyes at his silliness.

" Sure, I'm heading home anyway. "

He grinned and thanked me

Cute !


Shut up ! ..... stupid conscience.

We started walking. There was an awkward silences. He opened his mouth to break it but I interrupted him.

" Don't. I used to take anger management lessons. "

He raised an eyebrow as if he doesn't know what I'm talking about.

" You better not start annoying the hell out of me, because believe me I'm not going to take them into consideration this time. You would like to listen to Harry's advice ."

" I would like to take my chance. " he smirked.

" Oh, you will for sure .To be honest I would like you to witness one of those episods. Your face is gonna be priceless. "

Misery → Robert Downey Jr Fanfic.[EDITING ]Where stories live. Discover now