Chapter 3 ✔

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(Rosalyn's POV )

The next few days we were busy preparing for the next mission. I spent most of those days at the meeting room. Editing, adding, preparing, training, you name it. We were exhausted.

The director gave us a few days off to relax before the mission. So I have three days to spare at home and be a lazy ass. But even though these days were to relax. I simply can't.  I keep stressing and thinking about the mission. This mission is important, not only for the organization but for me too. My life depends on it. And to be honest, the big mission I hardly believe that we can make it out of it alive. Black is not an ordinary organization to simply take down. We tried and failed. Not once, but countless times.

After a few hours of doing nothing, I decided to go and continue my search on my own mission that I've been working on for four years.

To be honest I haven't achieved anything in this until a year ago when I was promoted. I was authorized to access more information easily. I never found something useful.  I still have no idea on why my parents were killed. I searched for organizations with that badge. But every time I reach a dead end.

But this new organization gave me a slight hope. It took a long time to reach this point. It's  finally the time to finish this. It's my last chance and I am not going to miss it. 


( Robert's POV ) *YAY*

A punch after the other, few gunshots here and there.

F***ing finally!

I headed toward the door and out of this freaking place. I broke into a full sprint, wanting to reach the car that was parked few blocks away before they notice my escape.

Once I reached the car I quickly pulled the door open and started the engine not bothering to put a seat belt or even close the door behind me. The tires screeched as the car burst into full speed.

A few minutes later when I was sure no one was following behind, I finally pulled the door shut and fastened my seat belt with a shit eating grin all over my face.

Another success and I'm not even ashamed that I'm smug about it.

"Mission accomplished! " I sang once my earpiece settled into my ear.
And when I heard the cheers, that grin grew wider then slowly fell into a smirk.

Successful as always.

The cheers continued. Yes,  please.
Keep feeding my ego.


I love it!

Another victory of the mighty agent.

I never failed a mission. No matter how impossible it is to achieve, I seem to always have my ways and make it out alive.

So full of your self Collins. That son of a b**ch of a subconscious had to remind me.

The smirk turned into a deep frown.

There was an exception.

Yes, I never failed. But that... That mission was different. It wasn't me who did that. It was my body yes. Just ... Not under my control. I still made it out alive and took credit for it.

But it was me who pulled the trigger and even though all I remember are brief images, they hunted me all the same.

Flashback :

"Agent Collins! Do as ordered,  now!! " The Boss Ordered.

" No! Go to hell, I'm not doing this!  " I snapped trying my best not to be heard but to deliver the message just fine.
Flames might be coming out of him right now.

"Well, you are doing it whether you like it or not! "
I didn't have time to reply before I heard a loud  Beeeeeeeeeeb through my earpiece.

What The Hell ?!

I froze for a moment. As if my mind lost connection with the rest of my body.

It's a mind control wave.

The beeping sound echoing through my ears, ringing in my mind like a crazy alarm.

After seconds I finally recovered from a sudden headache that hit me and the beeping ceased.

He ordered again  "Agent Collins. Finish your mission as ordered." he said calmly this time.

And then I was watching my body moving. Moving without my consent. And I found my self-aiming my gun toward someone.

Most of the events after that were blurred.

All I can remember was a photo, a woman in tears letting out her last breath and my legs carrying me out.

End of Flashback.


That was the last thing I remember about that mission. I heard after that, that they sent another agent to finish this mission and cover up the mess I have done.

I sighed as the memory crossed my mind. That was my only failed mission.

To me at least.

After a few hours drive, I reached the address that I was ordered to go to if I was able to finally finish this mission. A jet supposed to be waiting to take me back. 

The jet ride was long enough for me to take some rest. I know that by the time I arrive I will be sent to another mission.

I closed my eyes trying my best not to let that memory hunt my dreams.


(Harry's POV )

Today was a day off.  Finally! I got up from my bed after twenty-two hours of sleep.

Wow! I was actually able to sleep that much. Thanks to my job.

After doing my routine. I decided to pay Rosy a visit. She won't mind if appeared at her door step at 10:30 pm, right?

  No, no she won't .

I chuckled to myself. We've done crazier.

I arrived at her house and rang the bell. I heard her groaning from inside.

Who the hell is visiting me at this time!

" I heard you! "  I  shouted before she opened the door frowning. After she realized that it's me, her frown turned into a did grin.

"Hey, angel," I called her by her favorite name. She smiled widely and that made my heart flip.

Ah, damn it!

"Well agent Styles, what is the emergency that brought you here at this hour?  "

"Well agent Watson,  it's been more than 24 hours since the last time I saw my best friend, and I missed her so much, so I decided to pay her a visit and make her company ."

"It seems like an emergency to me agent Styles, so you are more than welcome. " she said the last sentence while pushing me inside her house and, closing the door behind us.

" I was going to start my movie night, you came just in time "

"Ohhh, I'm going to pick this time. I'm not watching any horror movies this late."

"Awe! Are you scared baby Harry? " She cooed pinching my cheeks.

"What! No. I'm just not in the mood."

"Said the one who just said - I'm not watching a horror movie this late – huh. " she mocked.

"I'm still picking the movie. I'm the guest here. "

"Okay, " she finally gave in.

"I'm going to prepare some snacks for the night while you pick one. " she said before heading towards the kitchen.

We ended up watching some of James Bond movies until she fell asleep. Her head on my chest and her arms warped around me tightly. I tried to get up from the couch without waking her up. I carried her to her bed and pulled the covers over her small body. Deciding to stay the night here, I went to bring some pillows and covers before returning to the living room and sleeping on the couch.

Two hours later, my eyes shot open as I heard Rosie's screams.

I Rushed to her bedroom to find her still sleeping but sweat running down her forehead. Then before I can make a move, a muffled scream stopped me in my tracks.

" I'm going to kill you!"

This is not the nightmare she always had since her parent's death. She never talked in her sleep. This has to be a more painful and heartbreaking one.

Again she started screaming and grabbing the bed sheets.
I quickly made my way to her side and shook her slightly. She didn't respond so I called her name and ran my fingers through her hair comfortingly.

A few moments later, her eyes shot open. Her eyes wide and frightened. Once she saw me she instantly sat up and gave a long huff of air. Closing her eyes she worked on calming her breath but to no avail. I reached for her and she opened her eyes. She quickly pulled me in a really tight hug and buried her face in my chest. I could hear her muffled sobs.
"Oh H-Harry..  oh Harry.. " she breathed between sobs.
" Are.. are you alright?... Oh my God ... Harry... I thought I...  I thought I lost you!" she sobbed harder.

Obviously, this nightmare has something to do with me.

"Hey... Hey, I'm here. I'm here. I'm not going anywhere. " I assured.

" He ... He shot you, Harry. He k-killed you Harry right before my eyes. "

"Hushhhh Rosie. It's alright.  No one did anything to me. No one can ." I said trying to calm her down.
She secured her grip around my shoulders once again.

"Don't go, Harry. Stay with me these few days before the mission... Please." She said pulling back from our embrace and looked at me with pleading eyes.

" Of course angle. As you wish. Now go back to sleep. "
I let her lay back down on the bed but she was still holding onto my arm.
"Hmmm. " she nodded and drifted back to sleep not daring to let go of me.


Hello! ✌

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