Chapter 37

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Hey there people 👋

I don't know how many times I'm going to apologize for the late updates. Ugh!!
Sorry again. It's been some hectic weeks.
I barely have time to write but I'm never giving up on this book. So please bear with me honey bunnies. I'm trying.

I'm making dedications starting from this chapter.

And this chapter is detected to:

I thought I have to start with her since she's been some help to me .Specially this chapter.
Sooooo thanks for the idea in this chapter and for being my friend and a great supporter. Luv ya 😍😘

If you want a detection just drop a comment and a few votes of course 😂 nothing is for free these days.

Enjoy !!


(Third Person POV )

" Hey Ben! " Jane called for the newest intern.

" Agent Arwen? "

" Call me Jane. Can I ask you for a small favor. "

" Yeah sure. "

" Are those trays for the new captures? "

" Yes? "

" Can I deliver them instead? It's Linda's shift and I want to talk to her urgently but I need an excuse to go down there. "

" Well, sure. I was surprised they actually thought of feeding them, but I think they want to keep them alive as long as possible to use them as lab rats. Pluse I was too lazy to go all the way there so." He shrugged.

" Laziness is not good for you here. I will let it slide for now because it's on my favor. " she chuckled and took the trays from him.

She walked to the elevator and waited for it to arrive. She put the trays on top of each other and held them with on hand.
She dipped her other hand into her pocket and got a tiny device out. She covered it between her thumb and palm from the cameras then dropped it into the mashed potatoes. She heard the ding announcing that the elevator had arrived and stepped in praying that her plan would work.

Jane motioned for the guys behind the camera to open the hidden hallways. The walls parted open and Jane saw her friend at the end of left hallway.

" Jane? Why are you the one bringing those? " The female agent questioned, pointing at the food trays .

" Well, I volunteered instead of Ben ."

" Wait, Ben as cute intern Ben? Why did you do that to me? You knew I wanted to talk to him! You ruined my chance with him! "
Linda faked a cry and wiped an imaginary year.

" Clearly you need to work harder, because and I quote '' I was too lazy to go all the way there'' " Jane laughed.

" Thanks for the advice matchmaker. " Linda rolled her eyes.
" You still didn't tell me why you honored me with your visit. "

" I'm finished for the day and I wanted to pass by and continue our conversation at the elevator. I needed an excuse. " Jane shrugged.

" Curious aren't we? " Linda chuckled.

" I can't help it. The whole building is talking about them and I just can't be the one who knows nothing. Who's better in this than you. " she smiled at her friend.

Misery → Robert Downey Jr Fanfic.[EDITING ]Where stories live. Discover now