Chapter 21

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( Rosalyn's POV )

" FOOD IS READY ! " I called for the guys while I was puting the plates on the kitchen island.

Suddenly, and in a millisecond, there was a - whoosh -. I turned and almost fell.
Harry pulled a chair and slided on it as I blinked.

Robert hurried to the kitchen. His hand on his forehead with amusement.

" How in hell did he do that! "

I laughed out loud and shook my head.
They are unbelievable !

Robert took a seat across from Harry.
" What are you? A vampire or something? "
He questioned.

" Football player " Harry said while smirking showing his dimple.

" You should know that already. Two things Harry is always looking forward to. Sleep and food. No matter what, never let him without food or sleep. It does weird things to him " I said jokingly.

" Why do I feel like you're talking about a pet not a human " Harry pouted.

" Sometimes I feel like you are " I chuckled while walking to him. I ruffled his hair and took a seat.

Robert looked at us and smiled.

We started eating like we haven't seen food in years.

It was silent mostly. Comfortable silence though.

We finished our meals and Harry took the plates and put them in the sink, deciding that he'll wash them later.

" Thanks, that was delicious " Robert thanked.

" Anytime " I smiled a little bit awkwardly .
I'm still not used to him being polite.
We're still trying to get to know each other. I think I'll discover a lot about him in the next few days, weeks, months I don't know. As long as this mission will take and as long as we're living together.

It was 10:30 pm. As usual, Harry after he finished eating he went straight to his room. On the other hand I didn't feel like sleeping now so I decided to just lay on the couch and do nothing. Or maybe watch TV if I found anything interesting.

I was flipping through the channels for the third time today. I got quite bored to be honest but it's the only way to keep us entertained.

Robert walked in to the living room and threw himself on the other couch.
" Couldn't sleep " he said starting a conversation.
" Same here " I replied.

I turned my attention back to the television. I didn't find anything to watch.
With a sigh, I turned it off and took an interest in the ceiling instead.

Robert shifted in his seat. I took that as a sign that he is going to say something. I prepared my self. No matter what he's going to say, it's not going to be good and 99% we're going to argue again.

" Can I ask you a question? " he finally talked . Well, I don't know what to say. If I said yes we will definitely be arguing by the next minute . If I said no well , that would be rude.

I signed before replying.
" Yea? "

" Are you and Harry..... you know..... together ? "

I raised an eyebrow at him. Really? How could he think that. I mean if we were a couple. It would be pretty obvious right?

" Nope. I think it would be obvious if we were . What made you think that ? "

" Well, you guys are pretty close. It's hard to identify if you were a couple or just best friends "

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