Chapter 4✔

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(Harry's POV )

I woke up next morning much earlier than usual since I have already had enough sleep yesterday.

I did my routine and decided to make Rosy some breakfast. She probably went through a horrible night. I made some pancakes and orange juice. It's her favorite. I simply know that she didn't have breakfast for quite a long time being the lazy ass she is.

I prepared the table then went to wake her up.


(Rosalyn's POV )

I opened my eyes as I heard Harry's sweet voice called my name.

I smelled pancakes. Mmmmm I hadn't eaten pancakes in a long time.

I smiled at Harry.

"Morning Hazz. "

"Morning Angel. How are you feeling now? "

He asked, while I sat up and stretched my arms.

"A lot better Harry. Thanks for staying. " I thanked him, got up from the bed and headed to the bathroom.

I washed my face. Memories of last night's nightmare crossed my mind.

I shivered at the memory.

Sighing, I walked out of the bathroom and through the kitchen door to find Harry making himself some coffee.

I sat and started to eat my food quietly. Harry joined me afterward.

We finished our meal in awkward silence. Harry is more quiet than usual. Something is running through that pretty mind of his. I could see his lips parting open then pressed into a thin line over and over again.

He wanted to say something but he doesn't know how to start.

I decided to make it easy for him and start the conversation.

"What is it, Harry? "

"What is what? "

" I knew you long enough to know when there is something bugging you or you want to say something."

"Mmmm. No, nothing. It's okay really. " He talked while taking one final sip of his coffee and looking away from me.

"Stop lying. "

"Ugh, it's nothing really. I know..... "

"Harry Edward Styles. Spit it. Now. "

"Okay, okay. remember you were the one who insisted. "

He stayed silent for a moment before he finally talked.

"I... I'm. uhh, " he ran his fingers through his hair.

" I already said that before ... But uh ... You have an idea of my ... Feelings towards you... And I just.... Uh ..." He stumbled over his own words. I could tell he was nervous as hell.

" Harry..." I cut him off but he continued anyway.

"Look... I ... It's torturing me. Seeing you like that last night... I want to always be there for you. Not in a friend kind of way... But... "

"Harry.. " I said again getting impatient.

" I just can't. I want you to und..... "

" HARRY!! " I shouted this time trying to get his attention.

" Oh...... " he finally stopped rumbling.

" You know exactly where this conversation leads us. "

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