Chapter 26

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Quick A/N:
This chapter And the next one are flashbacks of Robert's history. After (-----) it's another event or scene.




( Robert's POV )

Walking down the isolated street. Satisfied by the feeling of liquor running through my vines . Too drunk to drive back home. That was one hell of a night or early morning... whatever. We partied like it was the last night of our lives. But hey! It was worth it. Finally, we got rid of the hell hole. We finally graduated and that was worth partying.

The cold night breeze relaxing my nerves. Hands in my pockets as I closed my eyes surrendering to the refreshing feeling.

Suddenly I heard a screeching sound of tires . I turned my head to check out on it.
Before I can protest, I was knocked to the ground.

I groaned in pain as I was trying to get up.
" ARE YOU F***ING BLIND! " I shouted pointing at the driver who I guess hasn't figured that he hit me yet.

Moments and two towering men got out of the black car. I stumbled back a bit.

Was it a bad idea to shout? I guess it was.

I was too drunk to comprehend what happened next. In seconds my face collided with the ground. One of them took the opportunity and bent my arms and tied them behind my back.

He grabbed me by my upper arm and left me up to be standing on my feet once again. He dragged me along with him towards the car.


He didn't even turn around. He continued his way to the car.

" LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE " I shouted again.

Struggling under the stranger's grip.

" Stop fighting it kid, you're coming with us" He talked.

" You don't know who my father is. You're all dead. "

He laughed at my face.

" We know exactly who he is, that's why you're coming with us "

My vision is blurry. Passing out as I felt a cloth pressed to my mouth and nose.


" Hey, get up " I heard someone's voice.He was kicking my feet to wake me up.

Blinking few times before my vision is back to normal. I was laying on the ground with my arms still tied behind my back.
I struggled to set up properly, glancing around when I finally succeeded.

I whimpered in pain. My head is spinning and the light is unbearable. I don't know for how long I've been passed out but the sun light coming from the skylight above my head tells me that it was just few hours.
I glanced at the one who is standing on front of me. He has black short hair and overly huge muscles. He could strangle me in a heartbeat.

" I can see that you enjoyed your sleep. Well, don't let your hopes up because you're not getting any unless your precious father give us what we want. "

" And who the hell are you? "

" Some of your father's friends who he betrayed. Now, you're staying here until your father stops being the stubborn asshole he is and I guess that's going to be along period of time. But we can fix that, right pretty boy ? " he smirked as he held my chin up to look at him.

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