Chapter 25

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( Rosalyn's POV )

I heard the door click open. I rushed towards it, jumping at Harry and smacked his head .

" You idiot, who sleeps during a mission? "

He laughed out. I don't know what is so funny!


" Hey ,hey easy Rose. He was handling it quite well "

" You are irresponsible. " I hissed.

Robert was standing there with an amused smirk plastered on his face.

I literally freaked out once I lost control over the system. Pacing around the ' mini basement ' with laptop in hand, trying to figure out what caused that.
I didn't know why did that happened or how and that was the most frustrating. It happened faster than intended, and this mission would have ended miserably if it wasn't for the woman who saved Robert.

" Next time you're going to stay here and freak out instead of me " I sighed.

" Woh , no. You're not going anywhere. Remember last time, I had to carry you out of there bleeding and passed out. "

" That was a one time thing " I puffed.

" ANYWAY, before you two can continue with the lovely chat. We've got a visitor tonight "
Robert spoke cutting my conversation with Harry.

" I heard " I frowned knowingly . Harry on the other hand was puzzled.

I rolled my eyes. " You were asleep "

" Who is she? And how can you actually trust her? " I asked Robert.

" Well, the answer of your first question is that she's an old.... friend of mine . And the other one is that she just saved my ass out there. I would have been killed by now if she wasn't there "

" You have a friend that works for BLACK . How can that not make us suspicious about you " I pointed a finger towards him.

He stood his ground.

" First of all i didn't know she was working there, I haven't seen her in like eleven or twelve years or so . Add to that, she probably have no idea about who she's working with, I know her well enough to tell. " he defended

"I don't trust you, neither her. Remember the director's words. You're under observation until we're certain where your loyalty belongs. "

" Give me a good damn reason to suspect me . I was deceived and manipulated and I'm working on making them pay for that. Maybe I may not show loyalty to your organization but that's just because I've been working there for few weeks ! .
If I was playing behind your backs you would have been caught by now. " he hissed angerly inching closer.

" You just have to know that all the blame will be on you if she happened to be a bad news. " I shot back clarifying my point.

" I know what I'm doing "

" And what is that? "I crossed my arms.

" There's a lot going on my mind right now. Things I need to understand. When everything is clear in my mind I would tell you guys everything. Now , I technically ran the whole basement and my legs ach as hell. Im going to have some rest. Wake me up when she's here. "

With that he turned on his heals and walked up the stairs heading towards his room.

I let out a frustrated sigh.

We'll see.

Later that day:

(Robert's POV )

Misery → Robert Downey Jr Fanfic.[EDITING ]Where stories live. Discover now