Chapter 19

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( Rosalyn's POV : )

I opened my eyes as I heard the captain mention that we're about to land.
That was a good sleep, but not comfortable thought. The plane's seat was like it's made of rocks . The organization booked us economy tickets. Now I blame them for the pain in my back.

I looked at Harry who was snoring next to me. He looked so cute like that. I brought my phone out of my pocket, turned it on and put it on airplane mode.
I took a picture of Harry, and Robert gave me a - seriously! - look.

" Stay out of it, my best friend and I can do what ever I want to him. "

I said and he rolled his eyes.

" Just wake him up. We're about to land. "
He replied.

knowing Harry, waking him up is a hard task. The guy loves sleeping more than anything in the world for a matter of a fact.

I started poking his shoulder in a failed attempt to wake him up.

" Harry. . . wake up we're about to land. "
No response.

"HARRY! " again no response .

He left me no other choice. I grabbed the bottle of water that was in front of me and poured some water on him.

He shifted in his seat but never opening his eyes. Then he brought his hand up to his face and rubbed it slowly.
I poured some more water and he finally realized what is happening.

He sat properly and rubbed his face again and finally opened his eyes.

"C'mon sleepy head the plane is landing already. " I said not giving him the chance to complain about what I just did.
He sighed and ran his finders through his long dark locks.

Minutes passed and we're now heading out of the plane.

When we finished the usual process we were finally out of the airport. It was dark outside as we're now at the early hours of the morning.

The director said that someone will be waiting for us. We all looked around looking for anyone around.

Moments later ,I saw a guy with light brown hair walking towards us.( imagen that as Liam Payne if you like :D )

The guy stopped in front of us and talked.

" Welcome, my name is David and I'm going to drive you to the place you'll be staying at. Thats my number if you guys needed anything. " he handed Robert a piece of paper which I assume that his number was written on.

He turned on his heels and started walking. We followed him until we reached a black car. We grabbed our bags and put them in the car then hopped in it . As usual I was seated next to Harry at the back seat and Robert next to David.

David started the ignition and we drove off. The streets were isolated. There was no sign of a living creature. It was four in the morning and that was normal.

Half an hour later and the car stopped in front of a house . It looked beautiful ! .

" We're here. " David said and we all went out of the car.

We pulled our bags and David gave each one of us a key .

"Remember if you needed anything just call me okay. " we nodded and he waved at us then drove off.

Harry opened the door using his key and we entered.

We all was glancing around in awe. The place was amazing and beautifully furnished. It was a two-story house.
Living room,office and the kitchen in the first. Bedrooms, guest room and bathrooms in the second.

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