Chapter 9

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(Rosalyn's POV)

I opened my eyes ,and closed them instantly. Light is unbearable.

I reopened my eyes again slowly adjusting to the light.
My blurry vision becoming more clear.
I glanced around and found Harry sound asleep on the chair next to my bed.

Just like That day.....

What happened.... where am I ?

He's okay..... a smile made its way across my face.

My eyelids are heavy again. Exhaustion taking over me as I drifted back to sleep.

( Harry's POV ) 

I woke up early next morning. My body aching from sleeping on the chair.
It's worth it though, although I'm so pissed off at her.

I glanced at her to find her still in deep sleep.

I sighed.

This girl is going to kill me if she didn't get herself killed first.

I stood up from my place and walked out from the organization's infirmary.
I walked through the halls and was greeted by Adam.

"Good morning Harry. How is Rosy doing ? Has she woken up yet?" Adam said.

"She hasn't, not yet. "
I replied with a deep sigh.

Then Anne came along.
" Hey guys. How are you now harry? How is Rose ? Did she wake up ? " Anne asked.
" NOT YET. " I groaned.

" I'm going to check up on her. " Anne said ignoring that I just snapped at her.

She was always an understanding person. I'm gonna apologize later.

I walked to the cafeteria and grabbed  a cup of coffee. Then I went back to Rosy's room.

When I reached the door I found that she was  awake and Anne was checking her pulse and making sure her wound is healing.

I stood by the door frame glancing at them, at her specially.
When our gazes met I gave her an angry look and stormed out of the room.

As I said before I'm not letting her get away with this easily. She almost get her self killed. I remember clearly that I warned her from any stupid actions. But who am I For her to listen to me.

( Rosalyn's POV )

That's what I feared to happen. He's pissed off at me and I have no clue how to respond to his questions. He knows me will enough to know that I'm stubborn and I'm not going to listen to him no matter what, yet he didn't get used to it.

I have to talk to him though. I can't let him stay angry ,I have to clarify the situation here.

I tried to get up, but the pain in my arm has another idea. I sighed.

I have to get up and talk to him. But that will piss him off  even more.
I don't care just get up and talk to him.

I tried to get up again . The pain becoming more and more unbearable. I managed to do it though. Yay  .I did a small victory dance in my head.

I walked slowly out of the room. I found Anne heading towards me.

" Where the hell do you think you're going ?! Rose you can't just walk around . Your shoulder didn't heal yet. It's been less than a day and you have to rest for at least three days."

" I don't care, I need to talk to Harry. "
He appeared as I mentioned his name. Glaring at me.

" I'm gonna leave you two alone. "

Misery → Robert Downey Jr Fanfic.[EDITING ]Where stories live. Discover now