Prologue ✔

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( Third person POV )

Rain drops on the windows. Making that symphony she always loved to hear. Just ... not today. It now brings her the feeling of loneliness, emptiness and ... pain.

The cold weather of early November is taking its toll on her as she sits alone on the dusty sofa in the home of her memories and nightmares. Arms wrapped around her covered torso with the thick material of her sweater. She's cold, inside and out. She can feel the ice seeping into her heart, numbing her senses as she drowns in her thoughts.

He betrayed her. He knew.

He ...
Is the cause of her misery.

She trusted him ... she let her guards down. She let herself fall deep. She was stupid enough to take the path, she was certain from the beginning, that have one ending... heartache.

She ... despise ... him. She is still weak. She can't say it. She can't get herself to when she knows that she doesn't mean it. Fully, at least. Images of the incident played in her mind as she glances around the place.

She crushed down on the sofa right after she stepped a foot into her old house. Where it all started. She doesn't know why she ended up here, but she wanted to stay.

She wanted to remember the pain.
As strange as this might sound, she does.
She needs the reminder so she won't back away when the time comes. When she finds the courage to face him and take her desired revenge. The revenge she has been dreaming of for six years.

Six years ... It happened around this time of the year. It's already November

She needs a distraction from her lethal thoughts. If she kept thinking about it, she will break down. Her mind, as if functioning on its own, wanting to torture her more and more. She found herself thinking again of why she is wide awake in the middle of the night. Her nightmare. She had that same flashback she dreams of every time. Yet this time it's truly different, even though not much changed.

The same events, the same images, the same pain. Only this time it wasn't a blurred face anymore.


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