Chapter 55

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Listen to : Free me & Helium by Sia


So, before you read this chapter I wanted to give you few warnings.
This chapter is full of angst. Also, ⚠Trigger warning and mention of suicidal thoughts.
If you are uncomfortable to read such content,  please don't read.

*leaves a box of tissues *
You might need it just in case.
* sniffles*


(Third Person POV )

Black's men appeared.

They weren't expecting to have more visitors. So, in a matter of seconds, a machine gun took all lives except Robert's as they were ordered.


Robert stood petrified. Staring with wide eyes at every lifeless body around him. He didn't blink. He didn't breath.

Then the most terrifying fact settled.
His eyes traveled to the body laying next to him.

" No... "

It was a small whisper in realization.

" No, no, no... " Robert repeated. He ran his hand through his hair. Clueless, confused and struck.

Harry's eyes were still open. He was still breathing, his chest rose and fell rapidly but the several bullet holes in his chest made it impossible to think he would make it.

Harry's hands traveled to his chest then his eyes met Robert's. He smiled a small smile, but it started to drop and so did his eyes.

" No! No! Look at me. Look at me, " Robert dropped to his knees next to Harry, took his bloodied hand in his.

" Hold on, hold on. You promised her. You promised Rose. You'll be alright. Look at me. You'll make it. We'll make it. " Robert tried.

Harry smiled again. His smile was weary and almost lifeless. He shook his head before opening his mouth to speak.

" Don't... " he hissed in pain but continued anyway.

" Don't hurt her Robert. Make a vow. To me. Now. Promise me you won't hurt her. "

Harry's face was scrunched in pain. He tried to swallow the lump that formed in his throat. He felt his heartbeats there. He settled with the fact that they were the last. He accepted it. But he would be lying if he said he wasn't afraid. He was terrified. Terrified of what would happen to him next, or what would happen to her, Rose, after him.
He was afraid of what is waiting for him on the other side and he was counting every breath, waiting for the one that won't come back.

" I won't. I won't. You'll be there to make sure I won't. Hold on for her. "

A loud clang echoed through the halls.

Followed by a large sob.

Rose stood in her place, struck and breathless. Nothing in the world would have taken her gaze away from him. Not the explosion that followed, not the bullets passing by her head, not Black's men who fell lifeless, not the building that started to shake and not the whispers of her fellow agents.
Nothing would take her out of her daze as her darkest demon and worst fear grew and grew, darker and darker, right before her eyes.

And she could do nothing about it.

She was awakened by his voice, calling her name, one last time.
Rose kicked the gun that has fallen on the ground as she fell on her knees next to him.

Misery → Robert Downey Jr Fanfic.[EDITING ]Where stories live. Discover now