Chapter 8

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( Rosalyn POV )

I finally found a place to hide. My chest rising and falling rapidly, trying to steady my breath. I sighed in relief when I found no sign of them.

"Guys.... there... there is more.... more guards... be careful.... can you hear me?"

I said between heavy breaths through my earpiece.

Then a moment later the door burst open. Few guards stormed in as I tried to stay out of sight.

They found me, I can do it. You can do it.
I took a deep breath and took out another gun.
" Focus, aim at your enemy. Then shoot, steady hands required. "

I remembered Harry's instructions and put them in action.

Harry .
I have to make sure he's okay. I have to go back.
No, I can't. I have to stick to the plan. I have to finish here and make my way out alone. NO NEVER,
You're  selfish, you can't get out of here unless he's okay.

The debate going through my mind is driving me crazy. I can't concentrate. 

A loud groan came out of my month when I realized that I'm out if bullets. Both guns. I took a knife out. The last weapon I have.

I looked around counting how many is still there. Only one. Ah, thank God.
I guess I have to engage then and I have to make it quick, to go back to Harry and the others.

I didn't get any reply from them!
"Guys are you okay, can you hear me? "

I took a step forward. The guard seems to be out if bullets as well. I'm thankful for that.

I threw few punches at him and he seemed to avoid them easily. Why do they have to be so well trained? Can't they be dumb as the ones in movies? can be taken down with a simple move.

But No, life is not a movie the pain is real, you can feel it and it leaves a scar that's never going to fade away.

" ..... Rose ... I..... " heard muffled voice through my earpiece. Then the Guard threw a punch at me. The earpiece fell from my ear and I stepped on it when I stumbled back because of that punch.

The guard managed to snatch the knife out of my hand and stabbed my shoulder. I can feel the pain making its way through my left arm.
Speaking of the devil.

I held my pained arm with my other hand. I kicked him in the guts furiously. His body dropped to the floor. I took the opportunity and snatched my knife back and stabbed him in his neck.
that's what you get when you miss with me.

The guard is laying on the floor helplessly, slowly closing his eyes.

Now I can't contact with others. And I'm not safe here. I have to go back though.

I'm going back.

( Harry's POV)

" Andrew. Is it finished yet? "
I asked worriedly. Some guards managed to get in. That's when I knew Rosy is not alright.

I was relieved when I heard her voice through the earpiece. I couldn't reply though. I was taking care of the guards who stormed in.

When I tried to talk to her, I heard a crashing sound. Then I was freaking out. She's not responding.

I have to find her.

I can't. I Can't. I can't leave Andrew here unprotected. They probably knew about us by now.

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