Chapter 11

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(Rosalyn's POV )

I was drunk. I didn't know how am I supposed to go back home, but it's the last thing I care about at the moment.

I took another sip of my drink. Swallowing down my sorrows.
Now I feel light headed. I don't give a damn fly about anything around me, and that made me think why couldn't I stay like that forever.

I felt a jolt of pain spreading through my injured arm. I turned around irritated to be greeted by the biggest puppy brown eyes I've ever seen. It's safe to say that I forgot about what happened and was lost in them for a second, just a second.

When I was finally back from wonderland . I snapped at the stranger who just hit my shoulder .
He stumbled back and his eyes winded.
I'm I that scary?!

"S... Sorry " he stared at me for a moment.

" You did that on purpose, didn't you? " I said calmly this time.
He rubbed the back of his head and flashed me a cheeky grin.



"Maybe. " He shrugged.

" You're the wierdest drunk person I've ever met, wierder than me. " I turned and took another sip.

" Ummm... is it injured? " he looked at the arm sling I was wearing.

" No, my arm is laying there having a nap. " I said sarcasticly .

To be honest that's the worst joke I've ever said and if I was sober I would have slapped my self for such a bad joke.

Surprisingly, the stranger was on the ground laughing like a moron. The whole club was looking at him weirdly. I wonder if he has a mental disorder. Because no normal person can ever laugh like that at such a joke.

He stood up again . His eyes are teary . He stopped laughing for a moment and looked at me seriously but then he laughed out loud again.

" God , you need to see a doctor, that was the worst joke I've ever said in my entire life. ...... Why are you still laughing you idiot? ! "

He gave me a stirn look this time but he struggled to keep it on .
His facial expression was hilarious. It looked like his face muscles was paralyzed. Now it was my turn to laugh.

" Oh my God! You look like a freak .....stop! "
" Okay okay.... " he stopped and stared at me once again. That made me uncomfortable.
"You're cute. " he said blankly.

" I really don't know why I was laughing ...that was the worst joke I've ever heard, I think I drank a lot.  " he continued .

I shook my head. This guy is unbelievable. And may I say
He is cute too ...... ! DID I JUST SAY THAT? thanks God I didn't say that out loud.

I'm officially wasted. I have to stop now before it gets worse.

" I have to go now. And sorry for that. I did it on purpose though. " he smirked and walked away.
My gaze followed him until he was out of sight.
I'm certain that I won't remember any of that tomorrow when I sober up considering how much I drank. That saddened me a bit to be honest.

A moment later my phone rang and I took it out of my pocket. I answered without looking at the caller ID .

"Hey ! " I said loudly

" Rose! FINALLY. Where are you ? " oh it's Harry.

"Oh hey Harry! " I said excitedly and I think he got the hint by now.

"Oh God!  Rose are you drunk ?"

" Maybe. " I whispered. He's going to be mad.

"Can you tell me where are you right now? " his voice is calm but I know he's trying to contain his anger until I give him an answer.

" Uhhh... I don't know. "
I heard him sigh and the line went dead.


( Harry's POV )

I know she is mad at me. I have to explain myself.

I went to her house and rang the bill.
I got no answer.
I knocked the door lightly ,yet again no answer. I knocked harder this time. At first I thought she knew it's me and she decided to ignore the door. But after a while I realized that she is not there.
I called her several time but she did not pick up.
I started to worry and called again. Thats when she finally answered.

I heard loud music from the other side. I can guess where she is.
I asked her where she is exactly but all she said was' I don't know' .
I hang up.

She is at a club . Her arm is injured so obviously she cannot drive, so she must have walked. If I'm correct she is at the club down the street.

I walked to the club. I hope she is okay and didn't do any other stupid thing. I entered the club. I recognized her instantly. She was sitting on the side of the bar looking down.
I walked to her.
"Rosy! " I shouted so she can hear me through this deafening music.

She turned her head to face me ,then she looked back at her cup again.
I snatched the cup from her hands.
She looked at me angrily.
" That's enough for the night, how many did you have? "
She looked at her fingers. Probably trying to count them, but miserably failing. She looked at me and pouted.
"I don't know. " she whispered.
I sighed.

"I'm sorry Rose. "
She looked at me and gave me a cute little smile.

" Did I tell you before that you're cute ? "
Her eyes let as she looked at me.
"He said that too. "
I frowned.
"Who? " I questioned .
"Cute puppy eyes " her smile grew wider.
"Really !  Who is that? "

I looked at her confused.

" I don't know his name . He was drunk and hit my injured shoulder purposefully . I snapped at him and he was really terrified." she started to giggle.

" Then he asked me if it's injured then I told him ' no my arm is there tacking a nap. ' then he was on the ground laughing like an idiot. "

" Rose, do you realize that that's the worst joke you'he ever said . What happened to your humor? "

" I KNOW right. I kept telling him that but he seemed to find it funny somehow. Then I laughed at him and he told me that I'm cute. " Her face fell
" But he said it coldly like he didn't mean it then he walked away. " she pouted.
" I said he's cute too But IN MY MIND. "

I made a sad face and faked a pout .
" Is he cuter than me? " I pouted

" NOOOOO, you're the cutest cutie ever. "
She smiled widely as she poked my two dimples with her two pointing fingers.

" I love your dimples. " she continued poking my face

" Okay okay stop. It started to hurt. " I took her hands away from my face.

Her head snapped backwards as she laughed loudly. She tried to reach for her cup again but I drag it away. She stood up and walked the other sid of me to take it. I moved it the other side. She groaned and walked back to the other side. I held up the cup. She extended her non injured arm in a failed attempt to take it back.

Saying she's drunk as hell is a complete understatement.

" Rose we need to go back home. Believe me, you are going to suffer form one hell of a hangover when you wake up tomorrow. "
She gigled and walked to the door. I followed her. She stumbled and I caught her in time before she falls.

She gave me a look and I know what that look meant. I rorlled my eyes and carried her bridal style. Then we walked... correction I walked to her house.

By the time we reached her house, she was sleeping in my arms. I took the key from her back pocket and opened the door.I carried her and put her on her bed carefully, not wanting to move her injured arm. I pulled the covers over her body and walked out of the room.
It was way past midnight so I decided to stay for the night.


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