Chapter 13

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( Rosalyn's POV )

My days off flew by and now I'm wandering around the organization's hallways. My wound started to heal, but it still hurts if I moved my arm.

Battle scars.

We're going to have a meeting in an hour. Harry went to do something and left me alone so I decided to have a walk around to waste time .

After an hour the director's secretary called us for the meeting . I entered the meeting room and took a seat. Harry entered right after me and took a seat next to me and so did the rest of my team.

The director started the meeting with congrating us on our success for the last mission. Then he went onto more information and details about our next step.

" Now that we got what they need. They don't have any other choice. I'm certain that the next step is going to succeed too. But I highly recommend that to not underestimate them. We need to be careful with every move. We have no idea if they're going to react as planned but let's just hope for the best. "

" May I ask a question sir? " Sara said. I haven't heard her voice in ages. This girl never talks.

" Of course. "

" How is that negotiation is going to happen? Their system is down, we can't hack into their communication devices or computers ! "

" Well,that was a good question after all that silence agent Gomez. "

" Their boss has his own laptop that no one has access to. He keeps a lot of information on it. Yes this laptop is precious but stealing it is more difficult than you think . He always carry it wherever he is. So considering it's the only device working there. I'm going to make a little video call. " The director explained.


( Third person POV )

The boss was waiting . He knows that whoever did that ,that they want something in return.

Is he going to accept that? . Is he going surrender to their commands ?.

He might be unaware of what they want.
But he's doing everything to have his organization back. If he stayed useless for long. Everyone will take advantage of that. Besides, his partners won't be happy with it, and he doesn't want that.

He was on his precious laptop when it suddenly went off for few seconds and then lit up again with someone's face on the screen.

" Took you long enough. " The boss said sarcasticly to the stranger who just hacked his laptop.

" So you were expecting me " said the other man.

" May I know who you are and why did you do that if we're not enemies? "

" Oh enemies! , we're far from that .......
I know you're not thrilled with what we did. But anyway you know already that your going to have what you want back as soon as you give us what we want. "

"And what is that? "

I'm playing well. Why didn't I became an actor? He thought to himself.

" I want your agent. "

" That's it?I have plenty of them take them all. "

" I appreciate your generosity. I want one in particular. I want your mighty agent."

" What made you think that I'm going to hand him to you like that. He is the best we have. "

" That's why your going to give him to me. It's not my problem that your organization can't function without him. It won't function at all if you didn't. "  The man said with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

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