Chapter 6

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( Harry's POV )

The jet landed in an inhabitant desert.
We're going to continue our way to the organization by the Jeep that's waiting for us outside.

The jet door opened and I went out. right after me Andrew and Rosy.


" Where do you think you're going? " I asked confused.

"Change in plans. " she answered calmly.

" What?! There is no way in hell that you're coming with us in there."

" Harry I'm not gonna argue with you now, not when we're in the middle of a mission. It's our first mission together Harry for god's sake. " she sighed.

I shot her a death glare. This girl is stubborn as hell. I can't convince her of anything.

" We're going to talk Later. " I said the last word in a low demanding way. She can't get away with this easily.

It took almost half an hour to reach our destination. We grabbed our weapons and went out of the Jeep.
The Jeep sped off before it gets noticed. It's going to be waiting for us a few blocks away.

I'm leading the team. Rosy just next to me. Well, she is not used to be in any position other than the leader.
It is going to be a long mission.

Andrew was right behind me as I signaled them to stop moving. I found a good place to hide.

I took a glimpse of the place. We're going to keep hidden in here until I get the signal that the guys finished their job.

We are supposed to get in through the weapon store. It was the nearest enter to our destination.
Also, It was the less secured place by guards, just endless secured doors that can be opened only with a secret code. It's not easy to hack them but it will save us time and strength. We're going to be in need for them later.

Few minutes passed then I heard a low whisper through my earpiece.
" You can go in now guys, just be careful. It is not easy to open most of the secured doors. It may take few moments each, so you have to watch your backs until I'm able to open them. " Anne explained.

I sighed. It is a long mission. I thought to

I lifted my right hand up and pointed to Andrew to move first. He tiptoed slowly making his way to the giant gate, Rose and I were right behind him.

"I hacked the cameras and the gate.You can get in now." Said Anne.
"Copy. " I said.

The gate opened and we walked through, watching every step.
We looked around carefully. I found a camera in the corner, I know Anne is watching now.

We marched quickly to the next door that leads us into the store. I motioned to Anne to open it.
A moment and the door opened.
We walked through the door carefully as we heard low distant footsteps.

I motioned to them to stop moving.
We stood there for few moments as we hear the footsteps getting louder and closer.
We are going to have to attack whoever is there. Sorry dude.

" On my mark," I ordered them.

The security guard appeared and obviously noticed us. He took out his gun and just before he pulls the trigger, Rose hit him hard on his head by the back of her gun. The guard fell unconscious.

I was amused.


I've never seen her in the field. That girl is stronger than she looks.

She smirked when she saw my dropped jaw.I closed my mouth instantly and rolled my eyes.

(Third person POV )

You can feel the tension in the air. No one knows what's really happening. They try their best to keep calm and deal with the situation but it's just out of control now. They can do nothing about it.

"Boss we're under a serious attack. First, the viruses, then the attempt to hack the system. " the secretary told his boss, trying to encourage him to do something about it.

someone stormed into the office.
The boss stood there silent for few moments before he finally speaks.

It's time for him to take the decision that he's fully aware of its consequences. He doesn't mind it. It had to be done.

He sighed and then said "Activate EBU protocol. Get all the guards to surround the building. Not even a space for an ant to pass. Take the weapons out of stores and be ready. "

Everyone rushed to their places obeying the orders. Every single one of them is holding his weapon, every single one of them knows that he might not make it out alive. They also know for a fun fact that if they ran away holding for their dear lives and disobeyed the orders. That life they were holding into, won't last for more few moments.

He doesn't like to be disobeyed. He doesn't take it very well.


(Robert's POV )

My first day off went as smooth as a knife through butter. Lazy like I've never been in a long time.

Funny thing, I woke up this morning thinking I was late for work it was until I was out of the door to remember that I'm on a vacation. You have no right to blame me, I've been working for ten years straight. Not a single day off, not even on Christmas, I have no one to spend with. So I go on missions on those days to avoid the feeling of being alone.


It's been a long time since I last knew what it's like to feel.

Feelings are ..... pathetic. It's stupid, to feel happy, sad, angry, hungry, love, anything that follows I feel........

It's useless to feel happy when you know it's not going to last. It's useless to love knowing that one day you're going to have a broken heart after all.

Feelings is a weak point in humans. They have to learn to ignore them completely, to forget them, to erase them from their memories, so they can have the life they're fighting each other for.

I'm who I am now because I learned how to forget them. Forgetting them does not mean to erase them. They are still there somewhere. It's just that I don't know where, and I don't think I'm going to find them anytime soon. I'm good with it though.

I've lost everything that can be worth living for, I lost my life, my family, my love, and most importantly myself. I lost my self-respect and confidence. I went through hell down to its very bottom.

I did come back and I'm proud of it. Although I lost everything in my way, I'm still proud that at least I have myself back.

Back then, fifteen years ago. when I graduated from high school, I thought life is going to be as I always knew. I knew there were tough times, but they are going to fade away eventually.

I didn't know that it's just as hard as a physics exam. You study as much as you can, still, the exam is going to be nothing like what you studied.
It's going to teach you a brand new lesson with every situation you go through. With every person you lose or got to meet. That what I learned for a fact when my life turned upside down in a matter of seconds.


Sorry for the short chapter. 😔

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