Chapter 53

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(Third person POV )

It has been an hour since The Director left. The meeting was to be continued later since no one knows when he's going to be back.

Rose, Anne, Harry and the rest of the team took the opportunity to catch up. It's been months since Rose spoke to any of them, aside from Anne of course.

" There are some rooms here. Most of us stay here now. The meetings start too early and end too late, so no one sees the point of getting home. Well, except Harry." Anne informed.

The group was chatting outside of the meeting room. For stranger's eyes, they looked a normal group of friends having a conversation.
Though, to Robert that wasn't the case. He kept in mind that there is a traitor among them.

Indeed, Robert felt uninvited, so he just watched the conversation from afar. He observed each one of them. He looked for clues and signs. But it was harder than he thought.
He was tired. It was almost midnight and he hasn't gotten any sleep in a while. So, he decided that it's better to leave that for later and made his way to the cafeteria instead.

The trip to the cafeteria took longer than intended since it was his first time there. This base was not as big as the one in New York though. Once he was finally there, he got himself a cup of coffee, lit up another cigarette and took a seat all by himself.

People swung by, in and out of the cafeteria, giving him a few glances then minding their own businesses afterward. Not that he wasn't used to it.

He sat there with a blank expression and mind. Only his cigarette making him company.

It's been a while since he smoked that much. But it's a good distraction. The sweet taste of nicotine slows his rushing thoughts and ease his tension a bit.

The loud echo of footsteps drew his attention. He glanced at the group of friends as they entered the cafeteria, still engaged in their conversation. Their laughter could be heard from miles away. They made their way to another table not so far from him. He could easily hear every word they say.

" It was inevitable, you know. Childhood best friends always end up together, don't they? " The guy with brown hair chuckled as he spoke.

" Cliché. " Anne cringed as she rolled her eyes.

" That's why you'll end up a wrinkly old lady living alone with one hundred and fifty cats Anne. "

Everyone laughed out loud except Anne. " Whatever." She murmured under her breath.

" OH And, since no one actually noticed, I might as well make this happy announcement that Andrew finally grew some balls and asked Sarah out. " The guy with blonde hair, who Robert also doesn't recall his name, announced. Everyone around the table cheered and clapped.

" Finally! " Rose exclaimed as she threw her hands in the air. They all burst out laughing.

Robert watched as Harry got up from his seat. " I'm starving. Gonna get me something to eat. Anyone want me to get them anything? " He offered.

They all shook their heads and murmured a few thank- yous.

Robert, converted his attention from them, not so interested in their blabbing any more. He blocked their voices and drowned in his own thoughts instead.

" Well, really. We've been wanting to ask you that since forever. "

" Why are you asking anyway? Why me? "

" You got to know him. You spent most of those past months together. We're all curious, c'mon."

The conversation suddenly got his attention again. It became even more interesting to Robert as he realized that they were clearly talking about him. He shifted in his seat and his eyes were again on them, following the conversation.

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