Chapter 42

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This chapter is dedicated to the wonderful .

Thanks boo bear for your HUGE support. 😘



( Roslyn's POV )

" I can see the river. " Robert stated.

" It's getting pretty late and my legs are aching. I think we'll have to rest for few hours. Maybe stay with the night and continue in the morning. " I suggested. I really have no more energy left and I'm starving too. Good thing we stopped by that gas station.
" Agree. "
He talked while taking few more steps up the small hill. The river is running down the hill. Pretty view if you ask me.
Robert threw his back bag against the huge tree trunk before talking again.
" Perfect spot. " he then sat down slowly, legs crossed and back pressed against the tree trunk. I did the same, taking my spot next to him and let out a breath. What a day. I was beyond exhausted. I reached for my back bag and got out two water bottles, threw one at him and opened mine.
" Please tell me you bought food. "
I nodded and got out a pack of potato chips and a cupcake. I can see the ' Are you serious ' look on his face.
He's probably regretting his decision of letting the on me.

" What?! That's what I found! Plus they last longer and fit in there. So don't look at me like that. " he let out a breath of surrender and took the pack of chips from my hand.
I waited until he was consumed by his food to get out my gummy bears. If he ever found out , he'll never let it go. I opened the pack inside the bag carefully and slowly, making sure that not to make any noise. I got a handful and threw them into my mouth before he notices. Unfortunately, one slipped out of my hand and fell next to him.

" Gummy bears. Really? "


It was supposed to be ' what ' . But considering that my mouth was stuffed with colorful, sweet, gummy bears, it ended up coming out " Mwaaut !? " and don't forget my puffed cheeks which made a lot worse.

He cracked up with laughter. I sent him a death glare and tried to swallow them as fast as I could so I can scold him properly. For a moment he stopped when he noticed my angry face. But then all what was left from my pride and dignity was gone when I started choking and coughing . His eyes watered from laughing at me struggling through a fit of coughs. I angrily hit him with each cough until he reached for the water bottle and offered it to me still laughing lightly. I snatched it from him and plopped down what's left. When I was finally able to breath, I hit him once again.
" You bastard !"
" You can't blame me! You looked like a choking panda. "
He puffed cheeks and faked a cough, mocking me.

" I bet I looked better than that. You Shrek face. " I know and he knows that I didn't mean it. In fact he looked really adorable.

He gasped.


" Take it back you liar. You know this is the handsomest face you've ever laid eyes on! "

He has his chin between his pointing finger and thumb, doing a silly pose.
I slapped his arm playfully while smiling and reaching back for my gummy bears.
" Goof. "

He let out a cute ' hehehe ' and I can't help the smile that grew bigger.


I turned back to him in disbelief.
" Did you just giggle ? "
His eyes widened. " No! "

Misery → Robert Downey Jr Fanfic.[EDITING ]Where stories live. Discover now