Chapter 31

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( Third person POV )

" Tell me what you got. "

" They managed to get to the office and meeting room. They can literally see and hear everything that happened there. "

" Great! . I have a small call to make. Good job. "


The next day Jane was invited to dinner with the three agents as a small celebration over their success in the last mission.
They chatted about everything and nothing. They got to know each other better and they actually became friends and not just coworkers . Even Jane became on a lower level of - according to Rosalyn - the 'dislike scale ' . Which means that Jane little by little is gaining her trust and friendship.

Rosalyn was the only one to notice the change in Harry's behavior. She can easily tell that there is something bothering him since the mission.
" Harry can you please help me with the dishes? " Rosalyn asked as she got up from her seat to clean the dinner table.
" Sure. " Harry murmured quietly as he stood up from his seat to do the same.
They both carried as much plates as they can and walked towards the kitchen. Once they were in Rosalyn put the dishes in the sink and went towards the door again this time closing it carefully. Harry raised an eyebrow confused as he put the dishes down.
" Tell me what's wrong. Now. And don't even think of bullshitting me. I know there is something wrong. So spit it out or I'm going to have to take it out of your mouth my self. " she demanded and he was wide eyed.
He didn't say anything. He just stood there, staring at her.

" I'm waiting ."

He let out a sigh before finally letting out a small sigh.
"  I'll ask you one question and I want you to answer me honestly Rosalyn. Honestly. "

" Shoot ."

" Do you like him? " he asked.
Rosalyn was beyond confused and had no idea what or who he's talking about, so he continued.
" Robert... Do You. Like. Him. Or not "

Rosalyn burst out laughing. She started clapping her hands and sat on the kitchen floor not able to control her breathing any longer. Harry was standing there, confusion written all over his face.

" That was the joke of the year. Congratulations Harry "

He kept on a serious face to let her know that there is nothing funny about what he just asked. She regained her breath after one more deep inhale and then stood up to face him, whipping few tears off her eyes.

" You weren't serious, were you? "

" I totally was. I have seen the way he looks at you. I have seen the way you look at him. Don't try deny anything Rosalyn. Didn't you think about the idiot who is standing next to you, spending years of stepping over his feelings for you just to make you happy, hoping one day you'll finally feel the same. Did you ever -"

" SHUT. UP. Just shut up. " she shouted cutting him off.

" Don't you ever assume things and start accusing me for it. EVER! " she hissed.

" I.. "
" No! I didn't finish. Harry how could you even think of that when we barely talked normally to each other. We are barely civil with each other. We are always fighting. He always try to make me angry. He's the annoying bastard. Just think about how silly you're being. "
She began to walk away frustrated at him.
Before she can even take another step he grabbed her wrist quickly. He can never let her walk away mad at him.

" I'm sorry Rosy. " he whispered.

" You know sometimes I get jealous I can't help it. But I can never force myself on you. I want to stop bothering you. "

Misery → Robert Downey Jr Fanfic.[EDITING ]Where stories live. Discover now