Chapter 38

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Hey there lovely people ✋

Here's another chapter. Hope you like it as much as I do.

This chapter is dedicated to the lovely history7012.

Thank you for being a great support for this story. Your comments and votes makes my day.
Stay awesome 😘✌


(Third person POV )

Trapped, pained, lost, holding on, breathing, still alive. They were slightly holding on as the darkness was their only company. Pain ceased a little, but that doesn't prevent their past from hunting them down. Only nightmares occupying their dreams and waking hours. The attempt to block it all, the hunting thoughts, was just.... hopeless. No matter how hard they tried, it's still there, it will always make an appearance, it will always stay at the back of their minds to make itself known when it was most dreaded.


It was the fuel for their nightmares. There were no more words to be spoken between them. They were both aware that the other is in pain. Talking about what ever hunting them won't help. Or so they convinced themselves. Maybe it was time they wanted, to build that initial layer of trust. To open up. Yeah. Time. They only needed time to adjust, to trust, to... maybe, just maybe, move on from their hunting past.

She had forgotten about him. She literally did. She had a lot to occupy her mind. More important problems to take care of than his betrayal or his death. The desire for revenge was blinding that she didn't really care about the last part. He had deserved his end.

The first time she remembered him was the time Robert brought up the subject. The day they had the fight. She had immediately blocked the thought and moved on. But now, it's really difficult. The thick layer between her and her mind is just so much. She can't stop. She can't move on. His name echoing and the flashing of memories revived all her buried mental scars. He almost sold her. He used her for money. She was so naive. She loved him. She really did. Butterflies and all.


He was her second heartbreak but the one that left the most scars, the most pain. The one that really broke her. She had just moved on from her first when she found him. She thought he's going to be her one and only. The one to grow old with. Laughing at her old self. She was wrong.


Just like any girl her first heartbreak was her first love. The one she met at school and her best friend's friend. Confusing really. If only she fell for her best friend instead she would be living happily ever after with him now. She would still live with a whole heart not a scarred and broken on.
Herry's friend was her first. But you can say that it was a bit complicated than that. He didn't feel the same and he was her everything. He fell in love with another and she had to forget about him.

Moving helped. Literally moving.

She had to move with her parents to LA. She spent her high school years alone, and moving on. Without Harry and only few close friends. She rejected any one who asked her out and made friends from all over her school. She was kind of popular.
It was when she found her true self. She liked the feeling of independence. She found the strong side of her. The tough girl gene she inherited from her mother. Though, that side was more taking over her personality than her mother. Her mother was strong but she still loved the feminine side of her more. Her mother wore dresses and heels, put make up and acted like a real lady. But Rosalyn was never like that, after moving at least. She liked her comfortable clothes, sweatpants and sweatshirts. Sweaters and leather jackets. Jeans and occasionally leggings. She liked sports and keeping in shape. She loved to go to the gym with her dad on occasions. Then she got the scholarship she dreamt of at New York. She had to move back. Her father surprised her with his decision of moving back too. She learned lately that it wasn't because he was overprotective, maybe it was, but still there was another reason she learnt about over a month ago. She met Harry again. She went to university for three years and met Sam. She made the same mistake of attaching to him. For making him her everything. She was a genuine and loving person.
Until that day he drugged her and kidnapped her. The events that followed were erased from her memory. Only few flashes of them left. She remembered the cops shooting him dead and passing out. Other than that it was all blank.

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