Chapter 56

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So before you read! This is your last chance to tell me what do you expect for the ending.

I warned you.

I'll stick to the original ending if I didn't get any feedback I'm sorry😓

See the last message I posted on my profile if you don't know what I'm talking about.

Either next chapter will be the epilogue or I'll put two more chapters and end it differently.


PS: this chapter is not fully edited Sorry! I'll fix it when I have time!


(Third Person POV )




FBI agents all around the headquarter.

Gunshots and fire blasts. Missiles and rifles and tanks.

The final battle. The last war. The one which everyone knew either to walk out of this on their legs or their backs.

And it was fine. They had the element of surprise.


A Day Earlier:

Last time she has seen him was when they dragged him out cold from the apartment. They took her in another car. She hadn't seen them get him into that dreaded building.

They threw her in one of those cells she was familiar with. Alone.



They left her there. With nothing but her devil of a brain. No one came in. No one out. No one interrupted her torturing thoughts. She lost count of the hours she had already spent there and started to count the hours that was left.

She waited.

She anticipated the moment she won't have to worry about how much left.




His mind repeated. A sign that he was slowly gaining conscious.

His head ached a bit, but nothing like his wrists.

He wasn't in that much of pain like he'd imagined he would be when he wakes up.

Apparently, they won't do anything to him while he's asleep. Where's the fun in that?

He felt his arms above his head. His head hung above his chest.

Eyes cracked open in confusion. Tried to free himself but failed. He was chained to a wall by his wrists. His feet barely touched the ground.

He let out a groan, that's when he caught their attention.

He swore he could feel their grins piercing through the dark cell.

" Time to play, boys. " The Master spoke as he stands at the far end of the cell.

A shiver ran down the agent's spine and, honestly, he couldn't tell if it was caused by the voice or the chilling cold.


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