Chapter 34

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( Third person POV )

" Sir, what I'm saying is that the serum is ready, but it's just an Initial prototype. "

" It's been years and all you have is an initial prototype! Is it even functioning? " The Master shouted at the man with a white lap coat.

" That's why I called you sir. It took decades to make the mind control wave and it's effect is temporary. Your request of something long lasting might take more.
I did my best and came up with that, but we'll never know if we didn't experiment it.
Testing it on animals is useless and a waste of it. I need to test it on humans and I don't have volunteers for that. "

" So all you need is someone to test it on? "

" Yes sir. "

" How many? "

" Tow. A man and a woman. I got a theory that it will have different effect on each. "

" Dr.Williams, it's your lucky day. I just got what you want. "

The master talked before exiting the scientific quarter of Black , knowing exactly what to do.


Walking through the familiar hallways, Jane greeted some of her coworkers. She walked to the elevator and waited for it come down. After hearing the familiar ding she stepped in and greeted whoever was there too.

" Hey, have you heard about the two they caught earlier today? "

A female agent, Linda, talked to her. She was one of Jane's friends here.

" No, I just came. What did they do this time? "

That was a regular conversation they have from time to time. Every time someone is caught or a mission is finished, the gossip starts.

" They broke in The Master's office when the power went off days ago. The nerves they got. "

Jane's eyes widened slightly. Heartbeat fastening and her mind went crazy. Trying so hard not to show her nervousness, she turned her attention back to her friend.

" The weird thing is that they're still alive. The last time that happend, which was really long ago, they were killed instantly. " the other agent continued.

" Yeah, weird. " Jane whispered.

" You said they're two? " She asked.

" Yes, they're captured in the cells. My shift starts in minutes to guard them. Boring! " She complained.

" Why do you think they're still alive? "
Jane asked nonchalantly just like every time that happens. This time acting like she was interested rather than freaking out internally.

" I don't know really. I'll ask about it and tell you. "

Jane nodded in response, then clutched her stomach and made a sound resembled a whimper as if in pain.

" Actually, I'm not feeling well right now. Can you tell them that I'm going to head back home? "

" Yeah sure. "

The other agent went out and Jane pressed the button of the ground floor again.

She harried out of the base and drove away.It's not them. If it was them then I would be caught too right now, right?
She tried to assure herself that everything is alright.

After an hour, she was driving through the street she is now familiar with as she came here several times. The last time was the day before.
When she rounded the corner, her gaze landed on the house at the end of the street. With each meter she drove the sight became horrifying more than the last.
The car halted to a stop when she was close enough. The scene in front of her confirmed her horrific thoughts.

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