Chapter 30

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( Third person POV ) .

Half an hour after Harry, Jane and the tech guy left, Robert and Rosalyn stood up from there seats ready for work.
Those thirty minutes passed in silence between the two, with some stolen glances and a whole lot of things were meant to be spoken but they didn't have the courage to.
Things they wanted to maybe clear out or figure out answers for questions caused by the current situation.

Robert made his way to the driver's seat of the car and Rosalyn to the passenger's. The ignition roared to life and they pulled out off the driveway. The one hour ride to the basement was mostly silent too, but not as awkward. Rosalyn was busy refilling their guns chambers and checking on the devices and cameras one last time.


Meanwhile, things with Harry were not as calm. The stress of being inside the lion's arena was nerv wrecking beyond description. All the credits goes to Jane for calming down his stressed out mind.
They made it safely to the control room without anyone suspecting them. He was with Jane after all, a high level and well trusted agent of there's. Once they we're in, Harry mumbled quietly to his earpiece, so the tech guy- who he figured later that his name is Jordan - won't hear him.
" Rose and Robert I'm in. Anne, on my mark you shall send the wave. "

" Uhm...Mr. Jordan will you please put this on before we start? "

" Sure, but why? "

" The Master likes to stay in touch with us. " Jane replied.

Jordan did as told without hesitation just as the name was spoken. Harry once again spoke quietly to the other end of his earpiece. " Anne, we're ready. "
"Copy. "
Moments later, the familiar beeping sound was heard and Jordan's eyes widened in fear then went back to normal in obligation.
" Now start working with updating the system. If you needed help tell me exactly what to do and when I ask, you answer. On my mark you will cut the power off and if someone came here let me speak. Understood? " Harry ordered and the guy nodded.
Both of them took their seats in front of the main computers and the countless screens and buttons.
Minutes later, Rosalyn and Robert reached there destination.

" We're here " Robert talked, most likely to his earpiece and not to the one sitting next to him.

" Cut the power. Now " Harry demanded and Jordan did as ordered. Everything went dark followed by silence for a brief moment.
The following moment , the place was a big mess of chaos and uproar. The employees were not to blame, the power being out in the headquarter of BLACK was a rare occasion. Even the word rare was not the right word to describe it . It was impossible for such a thing to happen in there.


Rosalyn and Robert got out of the car, back bags and weapons ready. They reached the entrance of the parking lot and made their way in there without drawing attention.
The place was dark and chaotic, a perfect environment for breaking in and going unnoticed. Some were using there phones as flashlights which made it easier for the two agents to find their way through to the
wanted office.


The master was surly beyond angry and sensed that something is wrong. He ordered everyone to keep their eyes open and secure all possible entrances of the place. Moments and he showed up at the control room as expected.
Harry and Jane knew that and were prepared for possible conversations.
They pretended to be occupied with fixing what has gone wrong.
The door opened and they both turned to look at the expected visitor.
" Sir " Jane nodded at the man while Harry's gaze burned through him. The devil standing right before him and he can't do anything about it. He still needed proof. That's why he's here.

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