Additional Part: The Letter

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(Third Person POV)

With a deep breath, Jane finally reached to take the envelope laying alone in the drawer along with a silver flash drive. Hesitatingly, flipping it over and over, checking it out nervously. It took her days to finally gain the courage to come here. She didn't want to know the truth. Doesn't matter anymore. He's gone. Really gone for good now. No hope, not a tiny bit silver light of hope that he was out there.
She identified the body herself.

She would have cried her heart out if she could. But all she could manage was few tears. Conflicted and confused and many other emotions she was trained to suppress. But she needed to do this. She needed to know his side of the story. She needed to know why did he do that? Why did he join the evil side and how? It made no sense to her at the moment, but she came here seeking answers.

She stared at the envelope in her hand for few long moments, before finally tearing it open. She got out the neatly folded paper and started reading.

Hello Jannie. I don't feel the need to tell you that if you are reading this I'm dead or will be in no time. First of all, I want to make it perfectly clear that everything you're gonna read now and everything I've done was out of my hand. And I'm deeply sorry I dragged you into this. I know you're probably confused so please read the next words carefully and please try to understand where I'm coming from and maybe just maybe you'll find it in you to forgive me.

Let me start from the beginning back to when I disappeared. I got involuntarily involved in some business with some serious people. I couldn't get out because apparently I knew too much and I got you. They threatened your life, not mine Jane and I couldn't let them touch you, so I stayed. A year passed and another man took over our business. A man whom every living creature hold their breath when he's passing by. As you might have guessed, that was The Master. I knew I still couldn't get out, but I knew he won't bother you if I stayed obedient. I needed to stay away, forever. And so, years rolled by. I kept eyes on you. I knew everything you went through and I had to watch and do nothing. My hands were tied until eight years ago. When I heard back in Black's headquarter that they needed someone to operate a surgery on to test a new medicine and a new machine that worked on a new technology I didn't pay much attention to. But I knew very well what could that do. What it could heal. So I told them I can get a volunteer. Dr. Williams found you and offered you to do the surgery and the job. I never knew about the job offer, I swear with everything. And once I found out I've gone mad. But still, I could do nothing.

Now to the second point. What do I have to do with the organization?
When The Master took over, and everyone around me became under his command even my boss, We were sent on special missions. We were put in teams under one of his loyal dogs' command. I was assigned to join The Organization at some point with a new identity. I was ordered to be a part of it and when the time comes and they needed me to be their eye, they had you to make sure I'm there. And so everything was fine until their last mission started. When the Mighty agent joined the mess. At first, I didn't know that he was the one who caused you all that hurt and when I did rage was all that controlled me. All I wanted was to let him fall into their trap not realizing that you got involved too. It was too late when I realized that. I tried to fix anything that could be fixed. And I failed miserably. So I did my best to help. I know it wasn't of use and you were too far into that mess than I ever intended. 

In that Flash drive, you'll find some information that of great importance to The Organization. The Master has a lot of people under his command. Black is not an organization. It's a network. A wide web of criminals and cold blood killers and dirty businesses. Even if the miracle happened and The Master was gone. There are an awfully lot of others willing to continue on the same path. Please make sure this flash drive reach The Director himself.

I'm terribly sorry Jane. I wish that you can somehow forgive me, just like you forgave him. I know it's too late for apologies but always remember all I wanted was to keep you safe.

Love you always little sister.


By the end of that letter, Jane was as conflicted as ever. After all these years, after all of the pain she's been through she got to see him the day he gets murdered. She knew the Master killed him, not the explosion. She doesn't have the slightest idea on how to feel about all this. Relieved that he was alive all that time and he wasn't as much evil as she thought? Or mad at him that he got involved in all this in the first place? Nevertheless, she knew she is grieving and she also knew that at the moment she got better things to do than that.



So that was that :')

It was a beautiful journey with you guys and I enjoyed every second of it.
I'm truly grateful for everyone who voted and commented and showed me their support when I was down. ❤

I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I did writing it and I hope I was successful in giving you all the feels I intended to.

The story is currently under slow editing so feel free to give me feedback and point out mistakes and other stuff. ☺

I guarantee you that this will not be the last time you hear from me 😃 I enjoyed this far too much and I miss it already.  I have so many ideas but not actual plots and I currently have little to no time for writing but I will definitely be writing again.

Thank a gazillion times 💞

All the love ❤

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