Chapter 44

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( Third person POV )

" OH GOD! ROBERT WAIT!" Rose left his side and quickly made her way to what she saw.

It was almost sun set . They've been walking ever since they woke up without rest. They wanted to arrive there as soon as possible.

Robert stopped walking and watched her, confused as hell.

" Look at those. " she said while kneeling down . A big smile grew on her lips as she admired those specific flowers.

She turned to see his still confused expression.
She rolled her eyes.
Of course he won't know what are they.

" Those are Roses and Lilies. " she looked back to them.

" Mom's name was Lilly. " she whispered giving him a little explanation.

A coincidence? Maybe.

She picked one of each flower and walked back to him. They continued walking and
Robert watched her staring at the flowers in her hand with a slight sad expression.
He suddenly got an idea. A silly one but he knew it will make her smile. Honestly this wasn't his intention. He just got the urg to do that but he needed an excuse for himself and how cheesy he's being.

He slowly took the Rose from her hands and she watched him in confusion as he put it in her hair behind her ear.
That made her heart stop for a moment. She cursed her heart for doing that. She cursed him for making it harder and harder for her to stop those feelings for him before it's too late. But nonetheless, she can't help that typical stupid smile as she look up at him in appreciation.
It was then when he noticed something.
" When I first met you, I asked if your hair is naturally blonde. I guess it's a no. " he chuckled lightly.

" Oh. " her hand travelled to her hair, realizing that she hasn't dyed her hair ever since this mission started. Her natural brown hair probably a little visible now.

" Yeah. Well, it's no use anymore. "

It was a part of her new identity. Rosalyn Watson. The blonde agent. She doesn't see the point of hiding anymore. She is this close to find him. She knows it's one of Black's men. She's not afraid of when he find her. Quite the contrary. She wishes he would find her first. She would be more than willing to face him.

Robert looked at her questioningly.

" You know, you technically know everything about me but I know absolutely nothing about you. "

The fear of opening up to someone is suddenly there. It's not like she never talked about herself or her feelings to anyone because Harry is the one she always goes to when she wanted to talk. But now it's different. She knows that Robert is no harm to her. She knows she can trust him. He literally spilled everything to her yesterday. Without the fear of judging him. Meaning that he trust her. It's only fair if she trusted him back.

But that's not why she decided to open up to him. Not because he did the same. It's because she wanted to finally break that shell she's been hiding in for years. She wanted to finally face that fear of people letting her down. She's convinced that it's okay if she let him in too. Harry has the key to her heart and now she thinks she might want to give Robert the opportunity to have one too.

" What do you want to know? "

Robert actually was surprised. After her long silence he thought that maybe he has passed a limit.

" Anything you're comfortable with talking about. "

" Well, " Rose bit her lip, thinking about how to start.

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