Chapter 52

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( Third person POV )

Once she stepped a foot out of the hotel doors, his figure at the end of the parking lot came in sight. She walked his way with both hands dipped into her pockets and a back bag over her shoulders. As soon as she was close enough to him, she was met by the smoke coming from his cigarette. He was leaning against his motorbike, eyes focused elsewhere.

He took one last inhale before throwing it on the ground and stepping over it, then he finally turned to her.
With no more words spoken, he hopped over and waited for her to follow.

" I am not riding with you on that. " she protested.

He let out an irritated breath then talked,
" Fine then, "

The ignition roared to life.

" Find yourself a ride. "

With that, the motorbike started to speed away until it was out of sight.

The bastard!

He left!

After few moments she finally let out a sigh. She pressed the call button on the bracelet that was around her wrist and waited for Anne to pick up.

" Hey Rose. "

" Hey Anne. Please send me someone to pick me up. The bastard left me here. "

" You didn't want to ride with him. He didn't leave you. "

" How d-, What? Are you on his side now? "

" I'm just stating as matter of a fact. I just hung up with him. He's waiting by the end of the street after the left turn."

" But Anne...! "

" Rose, " her friend let out a sigh.

" I don't know what's going on with you two, but Rose don't be so harsh on him. The guy was so worried about you. " Anne spoke sincerely.

Rose was silent for a moment.

" Yeah. Whatever Anne. "

She hung up on her friend and started walking again.

Taking the left turn like her friend has instructed, she saw him from afar. She took careful, slow and silent steps until she reached him. His back was facing her as he stared into the distance. Probably not aware of her presence. She too stood silent for a moment, not sure what to do.

She finally swung her left leg the other side and hopped over behind him. The motorbike moved a little which snapped Robert out of his thoughts.
He turned around and took a quick glance at her before turning back again and starting the ignition.


" Negative. No sign of any of them, Sir. The place is empty."

" What the hell do you mean by that! The signal is still there you useless piece of crap! "

" I'm sorry he doesn't carry his old earpiece every damn step! "

" You know what? You're fired. Better yet, run and hide because I'm gonna make sure you're skull joins my collection! "

" Sir. You need to calm down. Their belongings are still there. They must be coming back. We'll be waiting around until then. "


" Sir, They are going to be there before that. I assure you. Just give us three hours. They'll be under your feet. "

" YOU BETTER! ..."

Misery → Robert Downey Jr Fanfic.[EDITING ]Where stories live. Discover now