Chapter 35

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Hey ducklings! Since it's my birthday and I haven't updated in more than two weeks here's a make up for it 😘

(A/N ): listen to -Joy I call life by Sia - for Robert's POV. [ON REPEAT ]

You guys need to understand that it's really really hard to find a song that fits what is happening and put you in the mood. So because it's so important to me for you to feel what I felt while writing this chapter and listening to that song, I added it to the side ( twice ).
So if you don't have it, connect to the internet and the microphone sign will appear.

Please listen to it. * presses a gun to your head * I command you to listen to it 😡

Jk. But you got the point. 😁

I also added the video up there ☝you got no choice.😂



(Third person POV )

Rosalyn was carried to the building on the other side of the headquarter. The building resembled a hospital, but more evolved and less crowded. The whole place was shining blinding white that Rose had to squint to take in her surroundings. The only people here were dressed in white lab coats, pacing back and forth around the place with clipboards in their hands. Hulk stopped for a moment and Rose turned to the side from her hanging position to see why he had stopped. When she heard the ding she realized that they just stopped to wait for the elevator. They stepped in and the man carrying her turned around so she is now facing the mirror of the elevator. She can't help but gasp at the sight of her red cheek. The man started walking again. When they were out of the elevator people stared at her disgustingly. Probably because a man was carrying her like a child on his shoulder. She felt her cheeks turn redder in embarrassment if that's even possible, but she didn't mind them. She is going to die in the span of few minutes. Hanging on Hulk's shoulder or not, she better enjoy her last moments. They walked in a small room and Rose turned left and right to see where did he take her. He threw her on a hospital like bed and she let out a whimper when her back forcefully hit the not so soft surface of the bed. He pulled her to set up and uncuffed her wrists, then pushed her back to lay on her back. He strapped her wrists again to the bed then her ankles, waist and shoulders. She squirmed to break free from the straps and when she failed she let out a hopeless huff.

" At least tell me what are you going to do to me. "

Hulk glared at her direction without a reply.
" Okay, you don't have to go all angry on me now. I deserve to know how are you going to kill me. "

" Oh no. Who said anything about killing you? For the meantime at least. " The Master replied to her as he walk in and Hulk walked out.

" We are going to experiment a serum on you. You see... "

He squatted next to the bed to be at her level before he continued.

" We spent years trying to make a mind control serum with a long lasting effect. The mind control wave is just not ...satisfyingly effective. Now the initial serum is ready and honestly we lake volunteers to test it on. So I thought why not make you usfull, huh ? "
He said and tapped her head lightly before standing up once again.

A group of people with white lab coats entered the room with their clipboards in hand and stood around her bed. A moment later a man with a suit under his lab coat and glasses placed at the edge of his nose walked in with a terrifyingly looking syringe. When he approached Rosalyn, she let out a shaky breath. Her heartbeat quickened and sweat started forming on her forehead. He turned her head to the side and pushed her loose hair away exposing the back of her neck. She shifted in her place trying to get away from the man and the syringe in his hand.

Misery → Robert Downey Jr Fanfic.[EDITING ]Where stories live. Discover now