Chapter 17

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( Third person POV ) :

" This mission is nothing like you ever been to before. You're all aware of how that may end. But there is no chance for mistakes. It's now or never. We have to succeed. We have to end this now and for all. So if you are having second thoughts, you better speak now. If you are not ready to risk your life you better leave this room . " The director spoke.

Silence invaded the place. Everyone is over- thinking their decision. Do they want to put an end for this? To continue what their friends and parents started and died for, or hold on for their dear lives.

Do they want to take the same path, Even though they know that there is no way back?

They are about to be involved in something that may be way more than what they are capable of, they may lose their lives. But that's what they joined this organization for right ? To risk there lives for the sake of others.

Everyone was thinking, over and over again. Except her, Rosalyn. She's been waiting for years.
She is now going to take the first step towards the end of her misery.

Her parents souls are going to finally rest in peace.

Ever since Harry told her about everything, about her parents death and that Black is behind this. She's been more determined and more eager to start this mission.
She knows that it's going to take time. But she already waited for longe .

These few weeks or months she is going to spend in full filling her promise while she is certain that she is close, is way better than those past years she spent in circuls, drowning in uncertainty and lake of hope.

Now she knows what she's doing and what she is about to be involved in. And she has no intentions in stepping back.

On the other hand we have Robert, he is not even thinking about it. Thoughts of how he has been deceived all these years flouting in his mind.

Now he looks like a fool in font of them. He hated it. He is angry and he needs to do something about it. He is going to teach him a lesson. No one can ever mess with him . But he's going to take care of that later. Now he has to focus on this mission. The new information that has been thrown into his face motivated him even more to succeed .

No one said a word, no one moved or even blinked. The director knew that this is his sign to continue.

" Well, now that no one said a word I guess you're all in. Good "

" First step we need information. The information we have from past missions are not going to be helpful at all. Things we know : the head of Black ,they call him The Master.
The basement is highly secured.
They update the security system every six months.
We need to know how their system works first to be able to know how to hack it and control the security cameras. So that's one thing we don't know about. We have a map of the place but there was updates on the basement too, so we need a new map. These are things we need to know first before taking the next step. " The director explained.

" United we stand, divided we fail. That what we always forget. So this time we are not going to take Black down alone. The best way to achieve this is to join forces with one of the most powerful organizations .
We are going to join forces with the FBI . " Everyone stayed silent but with wide eyes .

"But we need a proof. So that's the second phase of this mission. Once we have that proof and the FBI's consent, we'll start planning with them the best way to destroy Black forever. "

"Now, we need to start as soon as we can. Agent Styles, Agent Watson and Agent Collins it's your mission to get us all the information we need.
The rest of the team and myself are going to take care of the rest. I believe that's the most difficult phase of this mission that's why I chose the three of you. You are going to make the best team, and I have faith in your ableties. " the director said and the three looked at each other.

"Yes Sir ." the three said in unison.

" You will be traveling to California tomorrow night with new passports and IDs. One of our men will be waiting for you at the airport and will drive you to your new place. This address is the house where you'll be staying at. It's fully equipped with computers, new devices and weapons that may be very helpful for you. The house is going to be secured, and some of our men will be there in case something happened. "

The three nodded in understanding.

" Just make sure to stick together no matter what. We can't lose any of you,
remember that . One more thing, always make sure to update me the moment you know something new, so we'll have time to react. That's very important. The sooner we get the information the sooner we can react and, that will provide us one step ahead of them. "

The director emphasized on the word and the three nodded again. Non of them is saying a word though. Each is lost on their own thoughts.

" The meeting is over for now. The three of you have the rest of the day off to prepare yourselves . I want you to be here ready by eight . Agent Sanders is going to drive you to the airport. "

Everyone nodded and got up from their seats.


( Rosalyn's POV : )

I stepped out of the meeting room.

The decision of the director took me by surprise. I wasn't prepared at all for this moment. Not yet at least.

I feel something weird. A mixture of eagerness and hope, with uncertainty and fear. It's reasonable to feel this way. This is a one big step for me.

I'm afraid that I won't be able to achieve this. I'm afraid that I'll pass away before full-filling my promise to my parents.
What will I say to them when I meet them then ?

I let out a long sigh and looked down. My heart is heavy as the thought of letting my parents down made its way to my mind.

" Everything is going to be alright. " I heard someone say behind me.

I turned my head to be greeted by Harry's reassuring smile.

Suddenly all the mixed feelings I felt faded away. My heart that was heavy a moment ago was now back to normal, and a smile made its way across my face.

I stepped forward and hugged him. He is the only bright side of my life. No matter what he always can make me feel safe.

The thoughts from earlier is making their way to my mind again. I held him tighter in an attempt to get rid of them.

He pulled his arms around me and whispered one more time.

" Don't worry angel, it's going to go as planned. Everything is going to be okay and your parents will be proud of you. "

His words invaded my mind and replaced the other thoughts.

" Can you do me a favor ? " I asked him

" What do I get in return? I lost count of them. You do need to consider paying me back ." he said seriously and I frowned.

He chuckled.

" Did you really fell for that? You know I would give my life for you if needed, and I won't ask you for anything in return. Never" he said

I smiled again.

" Can you please stay with me tonight? I really don't want to be alone now. I know that I'm going to over think everything. "

" Of course angel. Let's drop by my place. Pack up my things and stay the night at yours. "

I smiled at him and he kissed my forehead.

I always feel safe and loved next to him. No one ever have seen my other side .
The week and vulnerable one.

I never cried on front of any one since I joined this organization. I knew I had to be strong to be able to achieve my goal .

Everyone knew me as the tough boss. Very few that saw my friendly side, and non of them saw the week one. And I'm glad for that.


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