Chapter 7

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(Rosalyn's POV )

The mission Is going well so far except for the fact that Harry is so pissed off at me
myself right now. I can never blame him.

I feel sorry for him actually, he has to deal with me almost every day for years.
Trust me I won't be able to be around myself for longer than a week.
I wonder why he didn't shoot me or himself till now. This boy has a lot of patience to be able to deal with me. He deserves a reward.

I chuckled myself lightly.

I'm so stubborn and never changes my mind.
Even if it's obvious as sunlight that I'm absolutely wrong. Still, I stick to my ideas and decisions.

Not to mention my anger problems.

Yes .

I suffer from anger problems. Anyone can be easily deceived by my innocent face. But I advise you for your safety to be at least one hundred meters away when I'm going through one of those 'episodes'

I go crazy like 'HULK SMASH ' thing. You might see flying chairs around. Several broken vases here and there.

I remember once that I almost lifted the couch up and threw it at Harry. Gosh, he was terrified and ran hiding in his bedroom under the bed. That was a hilarious sight to see actually.

Just when I saw him, my knees could no longer carry me.  I fell on the ground laughing out loud like a maniac. I couldn't hold the tears streaming down my cheeks as I felt my heart out of its place.

He went out from where he was hiding and grinned at the sight in front of him.
"Great to see you  actually forgot that you  just turned into your hulk self " 
When we went back to the living room. I gasped at the sight .
I cause such a mess when I'm angry.

Anyways .

Back to the mission here. We continued our way through the secured doors, one after the other. Until we reached our first destination. It's the basement next to the control room. We are going to stay here until we get the signal from Anne that they are activating that EBU protocol thing.

I looked around taking in every single sight in front of me. The place is not that huge but looks absolutely abandoned.
It's clear, from the dust that's covering the floor and the walls.

We stayed silent for few minutes or so.
"Guys, the EBU protocol is going to be activated in...  4 minutes 34 seconds. Hurry up. " I heard Anne's  whisper through my earpiece.

Harry giving us the signal to move. Slowly and carefully we moved making our way through the halls and to the control room.
The door was closed, just as we arrived it opened, and Harry thanked Anne quickly in a low whisper.

Here we go.

The man who's responsible for the backup progress is there. Computers and weird devices surrounding him. He was taken aback by our presence. He stood up from his place trying to find something to defend himself.

Harry moved quickly to the man's side holding him tight.
" Oh no, you're  not going anywhere buddy. We have some business here to finish. "

Harry took out the electric detonator .The man fell to the floor slightly paralyzed by the sudden electric charge that went through his body.

Andrew quickly took the man's place in the front of the main computer.

Harry took out an earpiece. The man let out a few muffled moans. " Don't worry we're not gonna harm you, you're  just going to finish us some business and then we'll leave you be. "
Harry said shushing him and installing the device in the man's ear.
" Anne ... "
Harry said through his earpiece to Anna.
It was obvious that Anne did her job as the man groaned loudly then his eyes shot open.

In case you're wondering. That was a mind control wave Anne sent through the earpiece Harry just put in the guy's ear.

This mind control wave is one of those weapons that the organization never used unless it's really really needed. Few other organizations have it but I don't know if they use it as we do.  Only when necessary. Maybe it's not in the right hands but we can do nothing about it.

Harry commanded the man to restart the backup. But this time on another disk that We had brought, and the man did as ordered. 
Andrew is taking care of the other devices and helping Anne and the guys from here now it's my turn.

" Guys I'm going. "  I informed them and Harry gave me the look -  you better be careful or I'm going to rip off your head look.
I gave him a reassuring smile in return but he doesn't seem convinced.

I'm supposed to be securing the halls and make sure no guards are going to come down here. As easy as it looks, there will be indeed two guards who're going to come and check up on the backup progress.

It's my job to prevent them from entering. I waited in front of the door, holding my gun, prepared for any sudden move.

" Rose, the guards are on their way. "
Anne informed me through the earpiece.
" Copy. " I said

I walked through the hall trying to see them before they notice me. I saw the two armed guards. I sighed, nothing can ever go smooth and easy. 

I turn my back to the wall, trying to avoid their gaze. Once they were close enough, I popped my head and my gun. I took a  quick glance, aimed my gun towards them, and shot the two of them in a matter of seconds. 

Oh God, no ..... I sighed. 

They didn't seem affected by the bullets.

Stupid bullet proof suits. 

I obviously took their attention as they aimed their guns towards me.
I used the wall I was once hiding behind as a shield.

I tried to think quickly. I have two ways out of here. Either to get out of my hiding place, hold my weapon and do my job.
Or I can take the easy way and turn my back and run that direction. 

A rule that I've been taught and memorized by heart is to never turn your back to your enemy. I don't seem to have any other option, do I?

I took a deep breath and a step away of the wall that was once shielding me.
Prepared, I held my gun tightly as I took my surroundings.
Moments passed as I tried my best to aim my gun at one of them and shot him directly in the middle of his forehead.

I made a mental note to thank Harry afterward for keeping me up all night training, and the shooting skills I learned from him when I was a beginner. 

I did the same to the other guy and sighed in relief. I finished my job and I hope they did too. I can't wait until I get out of this freaking place.

I take my words back as I saw few guards heading towards me.
Now I prefer to take the other option as they outnumbered me.


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