Part 1

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Hey Guys I am here with an another beautiful story. I hope you guys love it.

Murty Mansion:
A beautiful girl was sleeping on her king side bed. But her sleep got disturbed by her moms beautiful voice who is telling her to get up as it's very late. But she didn't wanted to get up so she cuddles herself more into her pink huge teddy with a cute pout on her face.Nandini mom comes in and sees his daughter still sleeping like a baby and she smiles. She goes towards her.

NM: (kisses her forehead) Nandu wake up mera bacha please.
N: (She keeps her head on her lap) Mom please let me shleep Na I don't want to get up.
Nm: (softly) Mera bacha please get up its 10 am come on get up I want you at the breakfast table in 10 minutes.
N: (cutely) okay and she kisses her cheeks.
She gets up and goes to the washroom to freshen up.

Malhotra Mansion:
A handsome guy came down the stairs. He goes towards the kitchen and sees his mom cooking he walks towards her  and kisses her.
Guy: Good morning mom
Neyonika: Good morning Manik. Chalo go do your breakfast then u have to go for practice too.
M: okay mom
Manik goes towards the table and finishes his breakfast and say goodbye to his mom and leaves.

Murty mansion: (dinner table)
A: Nandini Betha today I wanted you to come to office with me.
N: (sad pout) why papa I don't want to come. I am going with Navya go hangout.
A: Nandini please. I want u to meet with some.
N: (cutely)who papa??
A:(whispering) your future dad in law. He he
N: what papa??
A: u will see that come chalo.
N: okay

Nandini dresses up in black shorts and white crop top. She calls Navya as she is in collage that they can't hangout as she is going out with dad and Navya says okay. They both move towards the car and goes to Murty industries.They both enter and everyone wishes them. Nandini cutely wishes everyone. They all smile at their cuteness.

N: Papa whom u want to make me meet??
A: Come Betha the person is waiting for us in my office.
They both enter the office and sees Mr Malhotra sitting there. Mr Murty goes and hugs him.
A: See I fulfilled my promise  of bringing Nandini here.
R: Thank you Ashok.

Actually Mr Malhotra wanted to meet Nandini and talk to her,know her more first before making any decision and also ask her if she is ready for marriage. Nandini was standing there all confused. Ashok leaves for a meeting leaving Mr Malhotra and Nandini alone.

R: Nandini Betha come here. Nandini moves toward him.
N: Good morning uncle.
R: Good morning Betha actually I wanted to meet you as Ashok  talks a lot about you.
N: (smiles) okay
R: So Betha how are u?
N: I am good uncle how are u??
R: I am great Betha. So Betha where are u doing this days.
N: (cutely) Nm uncle just going to join Murty industries in some days. As dad wants me too But I don't want to join. I want to go and explore the world. Tell dad Na he says don't waste your time on this things.
R: Awww he said this to you I will not leave him you don't worry.
N:(hugs him) thank you so much uncle.
R: Betha this might should weird but what u think about marriage.
N: blushes listening to the word marriage. What about marriage uncle??
R: I mean are u ready for it because I found a guy for you. The guy is my son Manik Malhotra.
He shows her the photo. Nandini blushes looking at the photo and thinks he is so hot,handsome And attractive. She just wanted to meet Manik as soon as possible and Wanted to kiss him. (Lol) Her thoughts were Broken by Mr Malhotra voice.
R: Betha If u are ready for the marriage would u mind meeting my son. I am sure u will like him.
N: blushes hard and nods but what about dad and mom.
R: Thank you so much Betha. Don't worry Betha  about them they already know about it that's why he bought u here as I wanted to talk with u about this and I will call Ashok in evening to tell where u can meet him okay.
Nandini and Mrs Murty talked on random stuff they talked about Manik a lot and whenever his name use to come up Nandini use to blush she felt some something towards him.Mr Malhotra felt like he is talking to a baby while they both were chatting. He thought Nandu is like a cute little baby doll which she is. Ashok enters and sees them talking and smiles and they both look towards him and mr Malhotra shows a thumps up sign to Ashok to which Nandu blushes and Ashok smile and gives a hug to both of them.

A: I am so happy!!!!
R: I felt so happy talking to this cute little baby to which I would love to as my daughter in law.
N: uncle and she hugs Mr Malhotra.
R: okay ashok I gotta leave now as I have to talk to Manik about this. Bye Nandini Betha and he kisses her forehead.
N: Bye uncle

Mr Malhotra leaves and Ashok hugs Nandini again and she smiles.
Murty mansion:
Mr Malhotra comes and sees Manik and fab 5 watching the tv and he goes towards them and thinks it's the right time to talk as everyone is present.He goes and sit infront of Manik. Everyone says hey to him.

M: Hey dad what's up.
R: Manik I have to talk to you about something important.
Neyonika who was cleaning the kitchen come hearing that towards them.
M: What dad??
R: Actually I finded a girl for you.
All: what??
R: Shut up here me first. Manik she is beautiful. She is like a baby doll I am 100% sure u will like her. I even got a picture of her for u.
Ne: Who is the girl let me see as I am his mom I should also approve.
Raj gives the photo to Neyonika and after seeing the photo she smiles brightly and says she is so beautiful. I would love to have her as my daughter in law. Everyone gathers around Neyonika after listening her except Manik as he wanted to see her photo alone. Cabir shouts and says Nandini. Everyone looks at him suspiciously as how he know her.
Cabir: She is Navya best friend I have met her one time.
Everyone: Oh okay
Alya: Manik she is so pretty like an angle.
Mukti: Omg our babhi is so beautiful.
Cabir: See that what I also thought when I met her first. She is like a cute baby doll like an angle.I had really a good time with her but never got an opportunity to meet her again.
Dhruv: She is so beautiful we would love to have her as our babhi.

Manik now was getting restless to see the photo after hearing so many praises of her. He wanted to see the photo as soon as possible. He moves towards them to have a look at it but Cabir takes the photo and starts running.

Cabir: no no Manik will let you see our Nandini babhi so fast??
Manik: Cabir i will kill you give me the photo.
Cabir: Ohoo Manik so desperate to see his wife.
Manik: Cabir if u wanted to live Na and have a happy life with Navya so give me that photo or I will kill you when I get you.
Everyone was smiling looking at the tom and Jerry fight going on. Finally Manik catches cabir and beats him with pillows and kicks him hard and takes the photo and runs towards his room.

Manik room:
Manik enter his room and locks the door and was panting heaving because of the fight and running. He looks at the photo and was amused he thought he is actually an angle. She is so pretty, beautiful, sexy and cute. He so wanted to kiss her cubby Cheeks and her pink pouty lips. He keeps smiling looking at the photo. Someone knocks at his door he opens it and sees his dad
Standing with a smile on his face. He comes in says:

R: So tell me did u like my Nandini.
M: Shyly nods
R: Hugs him and says I am so happy I am sure u would never regret marrying her.
M: I know dad u will choose the best of me.
R: okay Manik I have talked to Nandini about u. She is ready to meet you. Would u go??
M: ofcouse dad I would love to meet her.
R: okay I will call Ashok and tell him.

Raj wishes him good night and goes downstairs and tells everyone. They all were happy and smiling. Manik goes to change and keeps her photo at the bed. He comes and lays on the bed picks her photo and kisses it and keeps it near his heart and sleeps with a huge smile on his face.

So I end this chapter here I hope you guys love. Comment comment comment and shower your love on me.

An aesthetic journey from Ms Murty to Mrs Malhotra!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora