Part 7

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Nandini was giving excuses to Escape from Navya dare and  everyone was giggling at her excuses.
Navya: So Nandini your dare is to watch a horror scene.
(So Nandini hate horror movies and she has never watched a horror movie in her life. Navya ofcouse knows about this everyone gets confused hearing that why would she give that simple dare to her Nandini was sitting their with scared face she knows she can't do it. Navya goes and brings the iPad and turns off the light and puts an horror scene on the tv.

Nandini: (scared) Navya noooo u know Na I can't.
Navya: it's a dare Nandini u have to do it.
Manik: Navya if she don't want to do it don't force her Na.
Navya: But it's her dare Manik.
Nandini: it's okay Manik.

She puts on the scene all were watching it without getting scared but Nandini condition was worst she was on verge of crying . The scene ended and Nandini hugged Manik tightly. She hides her face in his neck. Manik felt his neck getting wet. He realized Nandini was crying. He pulls her back and sees her crying badly. Everyone gets scared and worried but Manik was more worried and scared.

Manik: (worried)Princess why are u crying what happened??
Nandini: (hiccuping) Manik hiccup I am hiccup scared of this hiccup movies.

She was crying badly. Manik gets angry on Navya for giving this dare to her even she knew that she is scared of them.
Manik: (angrily) what the hell Navya u know Na she is scared of this movies. Then why did you give her this dare.
Navya: I am sorry Manik but I was just(she was going to say more but Manik interrupts)
Manik: (angrily) What Navya what sorry look at Nandini because of you she is crying  badly now.
Cabir: Manik calm down please.
Navya: Sorry Nandini I am really sorry.

Nandini sees Navya head hung down she was feeling guilty. She feels bad She cleans her tears and gets up from Manik lap and goes towards Navya. She sits beside her.

Nandini: (cutely pouting) Navya i am sorry I over reacted. Please don't feel guilty.
Navya: I should say sorry Navya I should not have give u this dare. Sorry
Nandini: (cute smile) It's fine Navya. I just over reacted. (She holds her ears and pouts cutely)
Navya: It's okay Nandini. Sorry Manik for making your princess cry.
Manik: It's fine Navya. Sorry I shouldn't have yelled at you. I just I got scared seeing her crying.
Navya: Its okay Manik I understand.

Everyone smiles and then they finish the game and start talking on random topics. A servant enters and tells them that they are being called down. They nod and tell him that they are coming. They go down and it was time for Malhotra's and fab 5 to leave. They bid good bye to each other. Manik and Nandini share a quick kiss before Manik leaves.

Murty mansion: (Morning-10am)
Nandini gets up because of the alarm. She wakes up and feels little dizzy but she ignores it and goes to freshen up.

                          (Nandini dress) Nandini goes down for breakfast and sees only Navya sitting on the table

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                          (Nandini dress)
Nandini goes down for breakfast and sees only Navya sitting on the table.. She goes and sits beside her and eats little as she was feeling dizzy. She gets up and walks little but dizziness start taking over her. She holds the table for support but the vase fells. The servant and Navya gets shocked they run towards her.

Navya: (worried) Nandini are u fine??
Nandini: I don't know I am
   Before she could say farther she faints. Navya shouts her name and try to wake her up but she don't respond. Mukti and alya who came to visit Navya and Nandini sees her fainting and run towards her. They all take her to her room and lie her down.Alya call the doctor and tells him to come fast. Nandini phones starts ringing. Navya sees its Manik. She looks towards  Mukti and alya.
Mukti: who is it??
Navya: Its Manik.What should I say when he ask about Nandini.
Mukti: I think we should tell him. He will get mad when he gets to know later.
Alya: Yeah I think Mukti is right.
Navya nods and was going to pick up but the phone cuts. She signs but the phone start ringing again. Mukti and alya tells her to pick up. She picks up and before she could say Manik speaks:

Manik: Nandini where were u? Why are u not picking up my call? Are u fine??
Navya: Manik its me
Manik: (extremely worried) Navya where is Nandini?? Is she fine??
Navya: woh actually
Manik: what Navya speak up damnit.
Navya: woh Nandini fainted. But don't worry we called the doctor he must me coming.
Manik: (shouts+mad) what? When were u going to tell me this?? If I would not have Called I would have never get to know. Great

Before Navya could say anything Manik cuts the call. After 10 minutes The bells rings Navya goes  and opens it she sees Manik standing. (Yes guys Manik reached before the doctor) He without saying anything to Navya runs towards Nandini room. Navya runs after him. He enters in her Room and sees her fainted tears start rolling down from his eyes he runs towards Nandini and sits beside her and take her head on his lap. Alya and Mukti gets shocked as they have never seen him crying. Doctors enters after few he checks her and tells them that she has little fever she must be feeling weak because of that she fainted. He gives them some medicines and tells them to give it to her when she wakes up and also tells them that she will wake up in sometime not to worry and with that he leaves.

After few seconds:
Nandini opens her eyes and sees Manik sitting next to her with eyes closed and few tears were trickling down his eyes. Mukti and alya was sitting on the sofa and Navya is pacing here and their. She  cleans his tears and he opens his eyes and sees Nandini opening his eyes weakly she smiled at him.The girls run towards her and starts asking about her health.
Navya: Nandini u are fine?? U know how scared I got!!
Nandini: I am fine Navya don't worry.
Mukti: What don't worry u know seeing u fainting how scared we got!!
Nandini: (cutely pouting) Sorry

The girls hug her tightly. Manik was just sitting their quietly he didn't say a single word. The girls see that so they thought they should give them some lone time. They move out.
Nandini: Manik I am fine please speak something. (Manik hugs her tightly and again tears start flowing from his eyes).
Manik: U know princess how scared I got when I heard that u fainted. I was not able to breath. Never ever pull this stunt on me again.U know what I am not talking to you for not taking care of yourself.
Nandini: (cutely) Manik I am sorry please u will not forgive your princess.
Manik: No because u didn't take care of yourself.
Nandini: Please Manik I was feeling little dizzy this morning. So I thought it's nothing I will be fine.
Manik: (angrily) when u were feeling dizzy why didn't take any medicine. See because of your carelessness this happened??
Nandini: (cutely) Sorry Na please please this will never happen again.
Manik: (melts) Okay this time I am forgiving you but next time it will be hard for you to know monify me.
Nandini: okay and she kisses his cheek.

Manik pecks on her lips and hids his face in her hairs.She smiles. The girl enters with the glass of water and medicine in their hand.They all cough and Manik and Nandini straighten themselves and blushes.

Navya: chalo Nandu take this medicine. Without any nakras. (Nandini starts making cute faces seeing it)
Nandini: Navya see I am completely fine. I don't need to take this medicines.
Manik: Princess please take it Na.
Nandini: (making ewww face) Manik they taste disgusting.
Manik: Princess please eat it I will give u a huge chocolate. (She cutely nods no) Princess acha chalo please for me.
Nandini: okay but only for you. (She takes the medicine and makes an ewww face and everyone smiles at her).

So I end this chapter here I hope you guys liked it. Guys please comment and vote. I just write this huge updates only for you guys please comment.

An aesthetic journey from Ms Murty to Mrs Malhotra!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora