Part 25

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Manik and Nandini made love over their in a tent which was organized by Nandini for 2&3 hours and moved to get back to the hotel as its getting late they have to get ready too. Nandini and Manik reach the hotel and moves towards their room hand in hand some people but them in between and they happily talked to them. They both were walking in the corridors when suddenly Manik pinned Nandini to one of the wall near their room. Nandini smiles at her romantic husband. She knew she have to go on the another round of love making and she was happily ready for it. Manik places his lips on her and kisses her wildly and Nandini moans his name in his mouth. Manik breaks the kiss moves her hairs to her back fist her hairs in his hands and pull her head back. Nandini starts breathing heavily. Manik starts kissing her neck and sucks it hard making her moan.

He slides hands down to her thighs and starts caressing them and Nandini moans louder

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He slides hands down to her thighs and starts caressing them and Nandini moans louder. Nobody could hear their voices as no body was their in the corridors as it was only reserved for the new married couple. Nandini locks her legs behind Manik hips and Manik was holding her keeping her off from falling. Manik slides the dress down and now she was only in her bra. Her inner body was hidden by the piece of cloth left on her body which was going to come out soon. Manik slowly opens the door of their room while still kissing and giving numerous love bites on her neck, shoulder and collar bone and nandini was moaning badly. They both move inside lost in each other and Manik locks the door. He throws her on the bed. She was lying down on the bed with eyes closed with only in her bra and the little dress in down. Manik desires were again full on fire. He was looking at her bare parts and grinning his teeth in wildness. Her soft body was calling him. He in no time removed his clothes and her. He tore her bra and removed her inners and dress like a wild beast. Nandini gasped but she was also enjoying the wild Manik. He goes on top of her and places his lips on her once again and starts kissing and sucking her lips making her lips swollen.

He again moves towards her neck and attacks it and Nandini moans

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He again moves towards her neck and attacks it and Nandini moans.

He again moves towards her neck and attacks it and Nandini moans

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An aesthetic journey from Ms Murty to Mrs Malhotra!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora