Part 57

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Nandini was sitting on the bed hugging Manik tightly who was pecking her head time to time also laughing at Cabir jokes who was trying to lighten up the mood of everyone who were tensed a lot for Nandini.

Nandini: Cabir bhai u are so funny!!! (She said laughing which bought a bright smile on Manik's seeing his life laughing carefree)

Cabir: Thank you so much bhana!!

Mukti: How are u feeling Nandu?? (She said caressing her hairs sitting on other side of Nandini's bed)

Nandini: I am fine mukti don't stress!! (She said smilingly)

Alya: Thank god u are fine Pata hai I cried so much all my make up got ruined see my face it looks so bad!! (She said making a bad face while others laugh out loud)

Cabir: Meri make up queen ki Dukaan chup! (He said hitting Alya playfully while she makes a bad face)

Manik: Dhruv how do u handle this make up queen!!

Dhruv: No comment!! (He said while everyone again burst into laughter)

They all got busy chit chatting everyone chat was happy. The nurse enters with Nandini medicines and food. Nandini seeing that hides her face in Manik's chest making a bad face while others smile. Manik caresses her hair softly.

Nurse: Sir this is Mam medicine and food!! (Manik nods)

Manik: Thank you aap jayia I will make her eat it!! (The nurse leaves)

Nandini: Manu no Na please I hate this yucky medicine and food!! (She said making a cute pout while Manik pecks her pout)

Manik: Baby please eat this u remember what I said in morning I will get sad seeing you on the hospital bed if u will not eat this then u will not be able to go home which will hurt me a lot so baby eat this Na!

Nandini: Manu not fair!! (She said making a bad face)

Manik: Everything is fair in love so chalo Mera baby will eat this for me Na?? (He said lovingly)

Nandini: Yeshh but only for you!! (She said cutely, Manik pecks on her lips while other smiles at them)

Manik: Good girl!!!

He makes her eat the medicine and soup which Nandini drinks it without any more cribbing.

Manik: Acha baby u talk to girls we all boys have some important work to do we will come back in few okay.

Nandini: Where u going Manu??

Manik: We are just near the hospital bacha whenever u need me call me okay!!

Nandini: Okay!! (She pecks his lips while he pecks her back and leaves with the boys)

The boys come out of the room they moved towards canteen. They all settle while Manik ask abhi.

Manik: Abhi did u do the work which I told you to do!!!

Abhi: Yeah Manik I got the cctv footage of that day when Nandini got shoot. It's in my phone have a look!!

An aesthetic journey from Ms Murty to Mrs Malhotra!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora