Part 6

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All sit in a circle around the table. Navya goes and brings a bottle and sits beside Cabir then Dhruv,Aliya,Mukti and then Nandini and Manik.(Nandu is siting in Manik's lap.) The game starts:

Navya spins the bottle and it stops on Cabir. So she ask:
Navya: So Cabir truth or dare??
Cabir: Ofcouse dare Cabir the cool never takes truth it's so easy.
Navya: Okay, so today u have to do an item number of Katrina. (Everybody starts laughing hard)
Cabir: (shouts) what??? Are u crazy Navya I am not doing it.
Navya: Then u will get a punishment which is going to be the same.
Cabir: (shouts) okay Fine.
He stands up and looks at Navya and gives her I will see u later look and she gives him We will see look. To which he  get irritated and he dances on Chikni chameli. He finishes it everybody was rolling on the floor laughing. He gives all of them a glare and they straighten themselves and try their best to not laugh but they couldn't control so they start laughing again.
Cabir: (shouts) Guys stop laughing or i am going to kill everyone.
Manik: (laughing) Navya hats off to you it was the best dare. Omg it was so funny.
Navya: Thank you thank you
Cabir: chup kar Manik and Let's continue the game.
Cabir spins the bottle and it stops on Mukti.
Cabir: So Mukti Truth or dare??
Mukti: Dare ofcourse
Cabir: So Mukti u have to cook Maggie for us.
Mukti: (shouts) what u know right I don't know cooking.
Cabir: Bada has Rahi thi Abh pura kar yeh toh dare hai.
Nandini: Cabir bhi agar usko Nahi ata toh rahna don Na.
Cabir: Nandu tu chup raha uska saat mat da.
Nandini makes a cute pout and turns her face away from Cabir and hides her face in Manik chest. Manik smiles brightly. He was going all awwww on her cuteness and then gives a glare to Cabir.
Cabir: Sorry Nandu she has to do it it's her dare.
Mukti: okay fine i will do it.
Mukti goes and makes Maggie which didn't look like one. (But we don't know yet it can be good or not we don't know).All were making faces looking at that.
Mukti: Guys taste it Na how's it??
Manik: we don't want to die. Abhi toh meri shadhi bhi Nahi hoyi. Everybody laughs.

Mukti makes a sad face. Nandini could not see it so she says:
Nandini: Don't worry I will taste it!! (Mukti smiles) but Manik interprets. 
Manik: Princess no I am not letting u eat this. U don't know she cooked for us last time and it was horrible.
Nandini: Manik atleast let me try once. U don't know it can be good.
Manik: okay as u wish.
Nandini taste it and she shouts Mukti.Everybody gets shocked
Manik: (worriedly)see I told u it's bad. I told u not to eat it!!! Let me get you something good to eat.
Nandini: Manik stop.
Manik: But princess.
Nandini puts her finger on his lips.
Nandu: Manik this is so good. It's not bad at all.
Alya: Then why did u shout??
Nandu: (innocently) Because it was so good.
Cabir: Is this is really true or u are just saying to make Mukti feel good.
Nandini: No Cabir bhai taste toh kariya.
Cabir Taste it and gets shocked. He looks at Mukti. Everybody taste it and look towards Mukti with wide eyes.
Cabir: (still shocked) Mukti yeh sachma tuna banaya hai.
Dhruv: I can't believe.
Alya: Omg this is so tasty.
Navya: How this miracle happen??
Manik: It was actually good Mukti. Where were your cooking skills last time.
Mukti: i don't know I am still shock that I can make this good food. I am proud of myself.
Cabir: okay enough of praising Mukti let's continue the game.
Alya spins the bottle and it stops on Dhruv.
Alya: So Dhruv truth or dare?
Dhruv: truth
Cabir: What Dhruv u always take truth it's boring choose dare today.
Dhruv: okay fine dare.
Everyone hoots for Dhruv. Cabir request to give Dhruv a dare. Everyone agrees.
Cabir: So Dhruv u have to pick alya in your arms and dance on a romantic song and you must be only standing on your one leg the other one should be up. If it came down. U have to take the punishment.
Dhruv: What this is so hard. But it's okay when my baby is with me I can do anything.
Alya kisses his cheeks. Cabir plays the romantic song and with lot of difficulties Dhruv finishes the task.
Alya spins the bottle and it stops on Manik.
Alya: So truth or dare??
Manik: Dare
Alya: Okay so Manik your dare is to purpose Nandini.
Nandini blushes and Manik makes her stand and goes on his knees and takes a ring out which he bought for Nandini.

Manik: Nandini I just want to say when I saw your first time I fell in love with you with your beautiful smile which makes me calm your cuteness your babyness and please never ever stop doing your cute antics because this makes with me fall in love with you more. I don't know what I did that I got you. I will always thank god that he gave me you. I wanna spend whole my life with you,I want to laugh with you,share my pain with you, I just want to say I love you Nandini. Will U Be Mine forever princess.

Nandini had tears in her eyes.The others were smiling and had little tears in their eyes. They were happy for their friends.
Nandini: I love you too Manik. I will forever be yours.
Manik slides the ring in her finger and places his lips on hers. Everybody gets shocked but they both were lost in each other. They were kissing each other madly without caring about their surroundings. They break the kiss when they hear everyone coughing. Nandini blushes and hides her face in Manik chest.
Cabir: U are good kisser Manik. I will start taking lessons from you Tomm.
Manik: (angrily) shut up Cabir. Mar Na hai tujha.
Mukti: Okay stop guys let's continue.
They takes their seats.Manik make Nandini sit in her lap. Everyone smiles.
Nandini spins the bottle and it stops on Navya. Nandini smiles naughtingly. Navya gets scared seeing that.

Nandini: So Navya truth or dare??
Navya: Dare but Nandini I am your best friend so please give me easy task.
Nandini: (cutely) No Navya I still remember the morning incident. I am not going leave your easily. Everybody laughs.
Navya: Nandini yahi hai Teri dosti.
Nandini: Don't emotional blackmail. So your dare is to kiss Cabir infront of everyone. If u could not do it you will have to listen whatever I say and clean my bedroom for 2days.
Cabir and Navya gets shocked. Everybody laughs.
Navya: Nandini yeh Kya baat hoyi. Please no Na.
Nandini cutely shakes her head in no.
Navya: okay fine I will kiss Cabir but will never clean your room. It's such a mess. (Nandini makes an angry pout and agains snuggles her face in Manik neck).
Nandini: (cutely) Abh main Kya karu Voh Ganda ho jata hai. Manik tum bhi Muja Navya ki Tera scold Karo ga for making your room mess.
Manik: (kisses her cheeks) Princess I will never scold you. Navya scold you whenever she does before marriage call me I will scold this Navya.
Nandini: (shows her tongue to Navya) Now Navya u can't scold me. Yayyyy I love you Manik and she pecks his lips.
Mukti: Okay now stop your romance let Navya finish her dare.
Navya goes and places her lips on his. Everybody starts hooting. They break the kiss Navya blushes and goes and sits on her places. Cabir was still in his kiss dream land. (Lmao) Manik laughs and shakes him he comes out of his thoughts.
Cabir: what , what happen??
Dhruv: Nothing Cabir was just bringing you out of Navya dreamland.( everyone laughs)
Next was Alya. She choose dare Dhruv tells her to eat 15 chocolates in go as she is diet conscious she shouts at Dhruv but she had to do it and she completes her task and hits Dhruv for making her do it!!
Next was Nandini. She chose dare Navya tells everyone that she will give her dare. Nandini gets scared as Navya will definitely take her revenge from her. She starts to make excuses.
Nandini: Manik I think I should sleep I am tired.
Navya: Wow now u are running when it's your turn. I am not letting u go easily Nandini.
Nandini: Hmm Navya my favorite actors movie must be coming. I think I should go and watch it.
Navya: Nandini shut up and sit u have to finish your dare darling.
Nandini gets scared and everbody was laughing at Nandini excuses to run.

Precap: Nandini dare, Nandini faints Manik is hell scared. Manik not taking to her and Nandini to monify him. Abhi entry.

So I end this chapter here hope you guys like it. Specially Manik dare hope the purposel was up to the mark I am really bad in writing it so please forgive me if anyone didn't like it. Guys please comment and vote.

An aesthetic journey from Ms Murty to Mrs Malhotra!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora