Part 13 (Sangeet cermony)

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I know I am late I am really sorry for that was busy. So from today all the functions starts. I am personally really excited as I don't know lot about Indian cultures even being a Indian lol. So let's begin the fun. Hope u guys enjoy.

Everyone was excited as all the functions were starting from today especially Manik and Nandini. They were having the Sangeet function in a five star hotel. All the relatives were called. It was also all over in the media as fab 5 is famous and especially Manik and even Mrs Moorty as he is a famous business tycoon. Manik fans were really happy for him. The girls were little sad as their dream boy is getting Married.

Moorty mansion: 4pm
Nandini was sitting on her bed and was talking to Manik from past 2 hours. Manik was getting all naught on the phone and Nandini was blushing and sometimes also showing her bold side. Navya was telling her to get up and get ready but she kept talking and talking and didn't care about what Navya was saying to her.Navya was getting frustrated. Navya went to her and took the phone forcefully and shouts:

Navya: Manik don't u have to get ready. Go And get ready and cut the phone. If u called again I swear I am going to kill you today. (With that she cuts the call)
Nandini: (shouts) Navya what u did I was talking to Manik.
Navya: (shouts) tumha Sangeet main Jana hai ki Nahi ki Manik sa hi baat Karni hai. Woh tumha party main mila ga Na Joh karna hai Tum Dano waha kar Lana. Chalo now get up fast and get ready without any arguments.

Nandini got up with a grumpy face and goes to the bathroom with her dress. She comes out after 10 minutes and sits infront of the mirror. Navya helps Nandini to get ready and then she goes to get ready.

        (Nandini Sangeet dress)

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(Nandini Sangeet dress)

Everyone got ready in Moorty house and they make their way towards the hotel.

Malhotra mansion:
Manik was standing ready infront of the mirror looking dashing and handsome. He was also angry on Navya for talking to him like that and he knows she must have yelled Nandini too. He decides to talk her in the party. He moves downstairs. Fab 4 teases him a little and ofcourse he gives them angry glare to make them shut. After little they also leave for the hotel.

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An aesthetic journey from Ms Murty to Mrs Malhotra!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora