Part 12

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Today was one last day before the wedding rituals start. Both the mansions were decorated beautifully. Both the mansions looked amazing. Both the families were excited for the rituals and marriage. Especially fab5 and navni.

             (Murty mansion-consider it a huge mansion it looks small in the picture

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(Murty mansion-consider it a huge mansion it looks small in the picture. I wanted to show u guys how it visually looked with the wedding Lightning and all).

               (Malhotra mansion) Murty mansion: 10 am Navni were sitting on the couch and were watching a movie

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(Malhotra mansion)
Murty mansion: 10 am
Navni were sitting on the couch and were watching a movie. Nandini was watching the movie less as she was busy in chatting with Manik on her phone. Navya was getting bored as the movie was not interesting. Mr and Mrs Murty went for shopping.

Navya: Nandini yaar talk to me I am Getting bored. Stop chatting with your Manu. (She snatches the phone from her as she was not even listening to her at all.
Nandini: (cutely pouts) Navya give my phone back I am chatting with Manik.
Navya: Yeah that what I am saying apna hona wala patidev sa bata karna band Karo or mera saath time spend Karo.
Nandini: Acha Thik main vahi Karo gi jo tum kaho gai per give me my phone back. Manik mera reply ka wait kar raha ho Gaya. Pleas give the phone Na Navya.
Navya: Thik a Thik a pher jaldi chatting Katam Karo. Hum tumha kahi la ka ja raha hai.

                     (Beach dress)  Nandini texted Manik that she will talk to him in a little while as she is going somewhere with her

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(Beach dress)
Nandini texted Manik that she will talk to him in a little while as she is going somewhere with her. Navya takes Nandini to the beach and Nandini was really happy as she love beaches. She run to play in the water even Navya told her not too. Navya was far and Nandini was playing the water. Suddenly her foot slipped she was going to fall she closed her eyes tightly but Navya saved her as she came running on her with full speed and she luckily got hold on her. Nandini got scared a lot as if Navya did not saved her she could have drown as she don't know how to swim. She hugs Navya tightly. Navya gets angry on her carelessness.

Navya: (shouts loudly) What the hell Nandini. I told u not to go play in the water. See u didn't listen now see what happened if I was late by a second u could have drown. Tumha pata hai hum kitna dhar Gaya tha. How can u be so careless or hai agar Tumha Kuch ho jata toh main Kya Karti of Manik os ko Abhi pata Nahi laga par agar pata lag Gaya nai Phir toh bagwan hi bachya.

Nandini was feeling bad and listening Navya's scolding and she started crying like a small baby because of her scolding.Navya took her to the car and made her sit. On the other hand, Manik was calling Nandini but she was not picking her phone up. Navya realized something buzzing in her pocket. She took it out it was Manik.She picks it up. Nandini was still crying like a 3 old baby.

Navya: Hey Manik!
Manik: Hey Navya tum log kaha ho or Nandini mera phone kyun Nahi utha Rahi hai.Main us sai kab sai phone kar raha hu. Us koh phone doh Muja us sa baat Karni hai.
Navya looks towards Nandini but she was still crying. She is not in a state to talk.
Navya: (worriedly) woh Manik..
Manik: (extremely worried) Woh Kya Navya Muja sach main bato Nandini Thik hai Na. Tum log kaha ho. Main Abhi a Raha ho.
Navya: No Manik tumha Ana ki zaroorat Nahi hai hum a raha hai Malhotra mansion. (She knows only Manik can handle her so she is taking her to him).
Manik: (still worried) Thik a pher Navya Nandini Thik a please batao.
Navya: Manik don't worry I will tell u everything when we come. (She cuts the phone before Manik could speak further).

Nandini eyes were red because of crying but she stopped crying as Navya calmed her down. They both reach Malhotra Mansion.

Malhotra mansion:
Navya and Nandini enter the mansion. Navya see Manik pacing from here to there because of tension. Nandini was looking down as she didn't wanted Manik to see her red eyes because of her continuous crying and she was holding Navya hand.

Navya: Manik! (Manik looks toward them and sees Nandini he figured out something was wrong. He runs towards them).
Manik: (worryingly) Nandini what happened baby. Look at me please.(But she was not looking up this was making him more worried) Navya u tell what happen please I am getting worried.

Navya tells him everything that happened. Manik got very angry on Nandini carelessness but he calmed himself down as She was already crying because of navya scolding he didn't wanted her to cry more. He takes Nandini hand and takes her to his room. She was still looking down.

Manik room:
Manik make Nandini sit on the bed. He gives her a glass of water she drinks little still looking down. Manik cups her face and makes her look at him. Manik heart pierced looking at her red eyes. Manik hugs her tightly and she makes her hold tight on him. She was calming because of his warmth.

Manik: (softly) Baby jo ho Gaya soh ho Gaya.Please Usa bul jao. Jo hona Tha woh ho gaya. Tum apna or Abh mera yeh diamond tears waist mat Karo please. I love you so so much!!
Nandini: Tum Mujhsa nazar toh Nahi ho. (She asked like a baby still hugging him tightly)
Manik: Nahi hu. Phar agar yeh dubara ho a Na toh main Bohot naraz ho jayo ga. Aga Ka baad yeh vapas mat karna okay. Agar tumha Kuch ho jata toh pata hai Mai ma.. (Nandini didn't let him say as she keeps his hand on his mouth and nods his head in no).
Nandini: Never ever say this Manik. I love you a lot. I would not be able to leave without you. Or main Asa aga sai kabhi Nahi Karo gi. (She hold her ears and pouts cutely)
Manik: (smiles) okay princess? Tum inta dar gayi Thik ki Tum Rona lag gayi. (Nandini nods her head in no)
Nandini: (cutely pouting) woh Kya hai Na Navya Na Mujha Bohot Zada scold kiya Nahi toh is liya.
Manik: Awww meri princess ko Navya nai danta. (She cutely nods)
Manik: Don't worry I will scold her for scolding u like this and making u cry. But she was also right on her place in scolding you. U should not have done that. Never ever in your life do it again okay.
Nandini: (cutely like a baby) okay
Manik goes Awww on her and leans to kiss her and she closes her eyes and he places his lips on her kissing her madly.
Nandini breaks the kiss breathing heavily.
Nandini: I love you so much Manu.
Manik: I love you too princess.

I know I am late sorry but have been busy with the school work. I hope U all like this part. Please comment and vote and shower your love on this story. Love you all!!😘😘

An aesthetic journey from Ms Murty to Mrs Malhotra!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora