Imp: (Do read)

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Guys guys guys so here is the thing I have been noticing a lot that the comments on all my stories are decreasing and are very less. Only 45 or 65 guys I don't call this a good response. It disheartens me and it does not help me to give you guys another update at all and to write more. If I am not getting any response their is no point of me writing and wasting my time. Guys I don't want to sound mean to you, I don't want to look like a writer who is a bitch but if I do today forgive me. Guys get this straight in your minds we writers are always waiting for a good or bad response on our piece of writing if we don't get a goo response like good comments and votes than We all have to become bitch which offends you guys a lot we don't write with an intention of hurting you guys we just wanna get our point across and what we feel. I thought the comments on my stories will increase once I will write more chapters but no they are actually decreasing. If you guys are not liking my stories just tell me I will delete them. I don't want to Waste your precious time and mine too. I can do 100 of more things in all that wasted time. It's takes hours to write this updates we all writers waste hours guys if we don't get a good respond it makes our heart break. You guys always ask for next update if I don't get a good response on my previous updates how I will give you guys another one. Here this and I am serious about it u guys are my loves my another beautiful family I never ever wanted to sound mean with you guys never ever I always wanted to be that kind, nice with you guys as you all deserve that. It makes me sad when I feel I am hurting any one of you by my words. It makes me feel guilty. Today also I wrote this without any intention of hurting anyone or being mean to anyone but if I did I am really sorry. I love you guys you know that I say this every single update of mine. I always wanna make you guys happy But the response you guys give me makes me sad😔 you guys gotta comment and vote hard.

An aesthetic journey from Ms Murty to Mrs Malhotra!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora