New story!

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Hey what's up guys so yes I am not suppose to be here before June 22nd but I am here with a new story alert

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Hey what's up guys so yes I am not suppose to be here before June 22nd but I am here with a new story alert. Yes I am writing one another story Ofcouse it will be on Manan as I only love that couple the most on Indian television. It was be a happily ever after story no misunderstandings their will be villains but not too evil.This story will be 17+ will contain lot more mature content Than my other stories. Will contain lot of hot gifs look at them guys if u are comfortable. Will only recommend age 17 or over to read this story only if conformable.Little kids out their highly will not recommend you guys. I will update the character sketch Tomm morning. Do add this story in your reading list. Will we waiting for an amazing response. Will update this story whenever I feel like will not follow a schedule for this story. Happy reading my new wonderful story guys love you all!!❤️❤️

An aesthetic journey from Ms Murty to Mrs Malhotra!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora