Part 31

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Manan room: 7am
Manik nd Nandini was sitting in the same position. Nandini in Manik lap while Manik sleeping resting her head on the bed rest while Nandini cozily snuggled into him. Nandini sleep starts to get disturbed when the sun rays started to disturb our Nandu sleeps she pouts irritatedly hides her face in Manik neck to which Manik slowly opens his eyes to see his princess snuggling into him hiding her beautiful Face from the cruel sun who was disturbing her nd her beauty sleep.

Manik: (softly) Mera baby ko sun Pershaan kar raha hai???
Nandini: Ha Muja Pershaan kar hai sun please curtain close kar do Na.
Manik: Nahi kar sakta!!
Nandini: Why Manu I want to sleep!kyun Nahi kar sakta??? (She said snuggling more Into him)
Manik: Agar Mera baby Mujsa utha ga toh hi Curtan main close karu ga Na.

Nandini gets up lies on the bed waiting from Manik to come. Manik closes the curtain was going to leave yo freshen up when Nandini speaks:

Nandini: Manu come here Na Mera pas I wanna sleep with you!!! (She said cutely pouting)
Manik: Baby it's 7 time to wake up!!!!
Nandini: Manu this is not fair u said that I can sleep when u close the curtain.
Manik: Ha baby u can sleep till I freshen up then my baby has to wake up. Or tumha pag phera ki rasam ka liya bhi toh Jana hai.
Nandini: Okay Manu!! (She said falling asleep While Manik smiles nd moves towards the bathroom)

Manik comes out after 15 looking hot nd dashing. He smiles seeing his princess sleeping like a baby pouting cutely in her sleep. He moves towards her smiling all the time at her.

He sits on the bed takes her head in his lap while she snuggles in his lap

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He sits on the bed takes her head in his lap while she snuggles in his lap.

Manik: (softly) Baby Abh utho!!
Nandini: No Na Manu bush 2 minutes only 2 minutes!!! (She said cribbing like always)
Manik: Baby no 2 minutes Chalo get up!!!!
Nandini: I wish I could sleep forever nd never wake up again. (She said sleepingly not realizing what she said while this made our hulk angry. Manik gets up angrily moves to make his hair while Nandini made a confuse face) Manu Kaya uha Tum uth Kyun Gaya Muja kitna Acha lag raha tha. Come Na! (She said cutely pouting)

Manik does not respond while Nandini gets confused on his behavior.
Nandini: Manu what happened please tell Na!!! (She said making a crying face but Manik still don't respond nd starts wearing his shoes which made Nandini tears to flow) Mani mana Kaya kiya Tum muj sa baat kyun Nahi kar raha ho. (She said crying. Manik heart pricked seeing her crying he runs towards her takes her in his arms)
Manik: Baby shhhhhh don't cry its hurts me!!!
Nandini: (crying) to...toh Tu...Tum kar....ra....raha ho????
Manik: Why do u always say something which i never want to hear!!! (He said wiping her tears kissing her both eyes)
Nandini: Per mana Kaya galat kaha Manu?? (She said thinking what she said suddenly her tube light turned on nd bingo!! She remembers) Sorry Na Manu I was sleepy I didn't relies what I said sorry Na baby sorry!! (She said making a baby sorry face)
Manik: U know how to monify me Na!!! Its alright princess but next time esa sochna ki himmat bhi Nahi karna!!! (Nandini nods happily hopping in his arms while he happily hugs her back)
Nandini: Manu I love u!!!
Manik: I love you too princess!! Chalo mera baby get ready Phir breakfast kar ka tumha Murty mansion chod du ga! Okay!!
Nandini: Thik a baby!! (She said coming out of the hug pecking his lips which he turns into a passionate kiss)
Manik: (breaking the kiss) Meri energy dose bhaki thi jo mana la li now u can go!!
Nandini: Manu Tum bhi Na! (She said playfully hitting him moving towards the bathroom)

An aesthetic journey from Ms Murty to Mrs Malhotra!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora