Part 35

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Manan room: (8pm)
Manan were lying snuggling into each other clothes scattered around all over the room after having a another wild passionate night. They were covered by the soft duvet which was doing his job of keep their naked bodies warm. Their bodies which were stick to each other that the air could not Even pass through them. The sun rised long time back spreading peace nd calmness by his Rays. The Rays Which were falling on Manan face disturbing their sleep who wanted them to rise and shine but it looks like Nandini didn't wanted to rise nd shine she hides in Manik bare chest hiding herself from it. The sun being stubborn did not gave up the Rays of the sun started to disturb Manik who woke up by it making the sun shine even more bright. Manik slowly opens his eyes to find his princess snuggle in him trying to hide her face from the sun.

Nandini: Manu please close the curtain Na the sun is disturbing me please make him go away. Your baby sleep is Getting disturbed! (She said pouting Manik when aww)
Manik: Hawwww sun is disturbing my baby he is so bad Na.

Nandini opens her eyes looks at him with a baby face nodding her face pouting.

Nandini: Yeah sun is so bad he disturb my sleep I don't like him. (She said like a baby)
Manik: Awww baby per Abh yeh authna ka time ho Gaya hai Na that's why he is disturbing u! (He said kissing all Over her face)
Nandini: Manu no Na plesh plesh plesh bass sirf more 5 mint. (She said covering her face with the blanket)
Manik: Okay Bacha but only 5 mint then u have to get up without cribbing okay.
Nandini: Okay Pakka baby promise!!
(She said Pouting cutely)
Manik: Awww mera baby okay. (He said giving a smacker on her pouty lips)

Nandini sleeps again Manik gets up move grabs their clothes which was all around the room puts them in bathroom. He freshen up comes out in few all ready for the day.


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He looks towards Nandini to see her peacefully sleeping like a small baby he didn't wanted to wake her up but he has too. He moves towards her settle himself on the bed in side of her moves towards closely towards her lips places his lips on her nd starts kissing her slowly. Nandini didn't respond but after few she starts responding fully awake. Her hands in her hairs ruffling it while he was fully on top of her crashing her between him nd the bed. His weight was all on her Manik takes Nandini hands entwines his with hers. They both were out of breath but no one was ready to leave each other lips. Finally their hot kissing session came to an end when Manik sees Nandini struggling to breath. He breaks the kiss which They both didn't wanted too but they had too. They rest their heads together getting their breath back to normal.

Nandini: I love you Manu!!
Manik: I love you too baby Chalo common now get up go freshen up.

Nandini makes a grumpy face but Manik forcefully sends her to the freshen up. Nandini pecks his lips nd runs to the bathroom laughing!!

Manik: (thinking) This girls makes me crazy I love you so much Nandini!!!!
Nandini: I love you too Manu!!!!! (She said screaming from the bathroom while Manik was shocked)
Manik: Baby mana toh Kuch Nahi bola.
Nandini: per tumna apna mind ta bola Na u know I can read your mind I know what u just be thinking. (Manik smiles listening her)

An aesthetic journey from Ms Murty to Mrs Malhotra!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora