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I know I know I give lot of notes like a lot but I am really sorry I just wanted to tell people who are waiting for update the reason of why I am not updating. I got 3 unexpected shots from Doctor yesterday in both of my arms now they are hurting so much that I am not even able to pick up a piece of paper nor I am able to sleep so writing is out of box for me right now. I am going through lot of pain but I didn't wanted people pissed at me as I am not updating so I am telling you guys the reason. I hardly wrote this message where I got injected on my arms that place is sore this is the reason I am not updating. I am sorry I thought I will not get shots at doctor but I did. I will back once I am fine please do understand. Love you all!❤️

 Love you all!❤️

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An aesthetic journey from Ms Murty to Mrs Malhotra!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora