Part 8

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Murty mansion: (evening)
Nandini ate her medicine and lied down on her comfy bed. Manik went to attend an urgent call and telling her to sleep for a while. The girls left that Nandini can rest.  Nandini in the room was moving from one side to another making a cute pout as she could not sleep. Manik came back and saw her awake.

Manik: Princess why are still awake??
Nandini: (cutely pouting) I am trying to sleep Manik but I can't as I just woke up!!!

Manik smiles and sits beside hugging her. She snuggles in his chest.

Manik: So Princess are u excited for our marriage?? 
Nandini: (smiling brightly) yeah I am!!
Manik: U are happy with this marriage Na?
Nandini: Ofcourse Manik. I am the happiest with you.
Manik smiles and they talk on more random stuff. The girls enter to take Nandini as they have planned a pajama party at Alya farmhouse which is 1 hour away from home only Mukti knows about it.She has buyed it secretly where she and Mukti can spend some alone time When they are sad. They move towards Nandini and Manik.

Mukti: Manik go home and Nandini u go and get ready.
Manik: What no Nandini is not going anywhere as she is not well and plus I am not leaving.
Navya: Manik go please Nandini say to him Na!!
Nandini: But where are we going??

The girls push Manik away and whispers in Nandini ear about the party and she smiles brightly. Manik could not hear anything and was making grumpy faces as they pushed him away from his princess and her warmth. After listening the plan Nandini tells Manik to go but he was not agreeing and not even letting her go.
Manik: I will leave but Nandini u are not going anywhere with this girls. As u are not well.
Nandini: (cutely pouting) Manik please I want to go??
Navya: Manik please!!
Manik: I will let her go if u tell where are u guys going??
Alya: Manik that's a secret we can't tell!!
Manik: So Nandini can't come.
Nandini: (cutely)Manik please!!
Manik: Nandini no and no more discussion!!

Nandini makes a sad pout Manik gives a quick peck on it. Nandini blushes!!

Mukti: Guys enough of this romance and Manik please let Nandini go Na.
Manik: If u wanna take her tell me the place because if something happened I would be their!!
Nandini: (puppy face) Manik something happens we will call u Na. Please let me go. U will not let your princess go??
Manik: Nandini this is not fair u always make this faces!! Okay fine u go but I need you to be back Home at 9pm. No more than that and stay safe!! Bye
Nandini: okay thank you bye!! (She kisses his cheek)
Manik smiles and leaves. Nandini goes and gets ready!! They leave for Alya farm house they reach their and goes to get ready in their pajamas.

All the girls come out and smiles

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All the girls come out and smiles. They got everything set up for the pajama party!!

        (Set up for the pajama party) Alya: So everything set!  All girls: All set!! Alya: Let's go rock and roll girls!!

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        (Set up for the pajama party)
Alya: So everything set! 
All girls: All set!!
Alya: Let's go rock and roll girls!!

All the girls dance like mad for a long time and Then they got tired so they sit.
There was silence for few minutes. Mukti breaks it!!

Mukti: So Nandini how are u feeling as you are going to get married in few days??
Nandini: I am feeling out of the world as I am getting married to Manik. He is the best!! I love him a lot!! The way he cares for me, worries for me, the way he loves me like mad I just love it!! It's makes me feel like I am really a princess his princess!!
Alya: Awwww so cute!! I love your couple. U both look so perfect together.
Mukti: Yeah true!! (Nandini blushes)
Nandini: Mukti u have boyfriend named Abhi right!! Where is he never saw him??
Mukti: Yeah u don't see him as he is in goa right now for some work. He is coming back day after Tomm!!
Nandini: oh okay I am really excited to meet him!!
The girls keep talking and talking that they didn't even realize the time. They slept talking their phone was switched off!!

Alya farm house: (Morning-10 am)
Navya sleeps get disturbed because of the sunlight coming on her face she wokes up and sees Nandini Mukti and alya hugging each other and sleeping like Babies she clicks their picture and then she sees the clock.She gets shocked as its 10:30 of the morning. She hurriedly looks for her phone she  switch what she sees made him more worried and shocked their were 50 calls which were mostly from Manik and Cabir and 35 messages asking where the hell are they??. Manik was just asking about Nandini where is she? Why she is not picking up the call. Why she is not replying is everything fine?? Please Navya reply I am getting worried??She freaks out and tries to wake the three up. But they were not getting up!!
Nandini: Navya please let me sleep.
Mukti: Yeah Navya and u also sleep.
Navya: Guys wake up we are going to face our death today. Please get up!! Everbody is at home is going to kill us!!

Three of them get shocked hearing that. They wake up!! They realize that they are not home and it's morning what Manik said to them!! The three get up and the four together runs to the bathroom and fresh up and runs towards the car in their pajamas.

In car:
Mukti was driving and Navya, Alya and Nandini was sitting with worried faces.
Nandini switches her phone and sees 125 miss calls and 50 message which were from Manik mostly and some from her mom and dad and others!!

Nandini: (worried) Omg we are in huge trouble. Our phone was switched off. We were out whole night. Nobody knew where were we! They must be worried a lot and Manik I am worried about him!! What will happen?? All will be mad!!
Navya: Han hum toh matarani sa ya hi pray kar raha hai ki Hama aaj sub sa bacha Lana!! Cabir bhi Bohot Gusa main ho ga!!
Alya: Dhruv bhi!!
Mukti: Guys chill kush Nahi main hoh Na!!
Alya: Shut up Mukti!! Tera boyfriend toh yaha hai Nahi tu toh Bach gayi!! Wasa apna phone toh switch on kar?

Mukti switches on her phone and sees 90 miss calls and 30 messages which are from Manik,Cabir,Abhi and Dhruv.

Mukti: Omg so many miss calls and message. We are dead??
Nandini: It was your idea only for the party so I will blame u!!
Navya and alya: Yeah Nandini is right!!
Mukti: Guys it's not only my fault!! U guys said yes too so don't blame me!!

They reach murty Mashion and sees everyone's car their that means everyone is their. They look at each other with worried faces.

So I end this chapter here hope u guys like it!! Let's see what happens when they enter the mansion in next update which u have to wait for!! Comment did you like the chapter or not?? Let me know are u guys liking the story or not!! The next update I will try to update at night if u didn't not then u have to wait till Saturday!! I will try best to update!!

An aesthetic journey from Ms Murty to Mrs Malhotra!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora