Part 3

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Navya was trying to convince Nandini to drink milk but she was not agreeing. Suddenly Navya got an idea and she picks up her phone.

Nandini: (cutely) Navya tum kis ko phone Kar Rahi o??
Navya: Manik
Nandini: (shocked) what but why??
Navya: To make u eat this medicine and drink this milk.
Nandini: Navya give me I will take it please don't call Manik.
Navya: Good girl

Nandini makes a sad pout and takes the medicine and milk. Navya finally takes a sign of relief.

Nandini: (angry pout) Navya Kati I am not talking to you. Never
Navya: Sorry my baby I had to make u take it and u were not agreeing I had no other opinion left sorry Na.
Nandini: (cutely) No now this baby is so so angry at you. I am Kati with u ha.

Nandini goes to her bed and lies down hugs the huge teddy of hers and takes the whole blanket over her and the teddy with angry pout still on her face.

Navya: Nandu baby sorry. Tomm your in laws are coming to meet u. Will u able go in this condition infront of them.
Nandini: I am not listening Nandu is Kati with you. Now let me sleep. GN
Navya thinks that let her sleep she will monify her in Morning. She goes to the other side of the bed and sleeps hugging her favorite teddy which is Nandu.

Murty mansion: (Morning)
Lot of things were going around in murty mansion as Malhotra are coming. All were running here and their Navya was also helping them but our princess is sleeping peacefully but her alarm started ringing and broke her beauty sleep. She woke up and saw the time it was 9am. Her mom comes in and sees her awake and smiles.

NM: Omg I can't believe my daughter woke up by herself.
N: Mom
Nm: Acha Betha chalo get up and freshen up yeh low tumari dress.

Her mom handed over a beautiful dress to her and goes out telling her to get ready soon as Malhotra's are coming at 10. She nods and comes out wearing a beautiful Anarkali in which she was looking dead gorgeous( dress in media box). She goes towards the mirror and does her hairs and wears her jewelry. She checks herself in mirror and smile. Navya enters and sees her completely dressed up. She goes towards her

Navya: Nandu u are looking so pretty!!!
Nandini: With an angry pout Thank you.
Navya: Nandu or kitna gussa man ja Na.
Nandini: No no no

Nandini goes and sits on her bed with her cute pout and Navya signs. Malhotra and fab 5 enters and sees Malhotra mansion decorated beautifully. Nandini mom comes running and says Namasta to everyone and hugs Manik seeing Neyonika she shouts.

NM: Neyonika tu.
Neyonika: Riddhima tu
They both hug each other happily they had tears in their eyes they broke the hug and sees everyone confused faces. They laugh seeing their faces and tells them that they were collage best friends but got separated after collage ended. They lost the contact with each other. They all smile Nandini mom lead them in and makes them sit comfortably. Manik was restless to see Nandini and was looking upwards. Riddhima notices this and says and she will go and get Nandini but Mukti stops her.

M: Aunty can we and go get her
NM: Yeah sure Betha.

Nandini room:
Navya was still trying her best to monify Nandu but she like a stubborn child didn't hear anything was continuously no no no Suddenly they see Mukti and Alya coming they enter and hug Nandini.
M: Hey Nandini. Nice room
A: Ha Nandini I love your room.
N: (smiles) Thank you so much guys.
M: Chalo lets go down Your future husband is getting restless to see you.

Nandini blushes and nods. They move down all see Nandini coming down with the girls. Manik sees Nandini and his eyes got stuck on her he was lost in her she was looking down but someones intense eyes on her made her look up.She saw Manik looking at her intensely and blushes they have an little eye lock.They come down Nandini goes and touches Neyonika's and Raj feet they bless her.
She goes and sits beside her mom.

Ne:Our meri hona wali bahu toh Bohot hi sundar hai.
N: (blushes) Thank you aunty.
They all started chit chatting. Nandini and Manik were stealing glances in between. All decides to leave them both alone so they move out. As Manik and Nandini didn't had any awkwardness in between each other as they met yesterday they both started talking.
M: Princess are u feeling better now?
N:(cutely) yesh
Manik goes awwww on her.
M: So Nandini as we don't know each other a lot so Let's know each other.
N: okay
M: So what is your favorite Indian food??
N: Chola puri I love it's so yummy. (She said licking her lips Manik smiles) what's yours??
M: I also love chola puri too.(Nandini smiles) What's your favorite color??
N: Pink. What's yours??
M: Red. Who is your favorite actor??
N: My favorite actor is shahid kapoor. Omg I love him he is so cute,hot Nd Handsome. (She was going to say more but Manik gets jealous and cuts her between and says wouldn't u ask mine. Nandini understand he got jealous and smiles.) Who's yours??
M: I like Salman Khan.
They kept on talking and talking now they know everything about each other. Their crushes, favorite food,color,actor,movie everything. Manik got a gift for her he gives It to her she gets excited like a child and starts opening it. It was a huge chocolate box which was Nandini's favorite chocolate.
N: Thank you so much Manik. I loved it .
She starts eating it like a child Manik kept seeing her and was smiling like crazy he was slowly slowly falling in love with this cute little princess.Suddenly he sees their was a chocolate left on the corner of her lips.
M: Princess their is little chocolate on your face??
N: where Manik?? She tries to clean it but she kept cleaning the wrong place.
Manik smiles naughtingly and says let me clean it he goes near her and licks the chocolate from corner of her lips and kisses at that places. Nandini blushes hard they have cute eye-lock but it was broken by our very own fab 4 and Navya who was coughing. Nandini blushes and Manik start looking here and their.

C: Don't worry hmna kush Nahi dekha.
M: Cabir shut up
C: main kyun chup Rahu??
M: tu Nahi raha ga Na tu zinda Nahi bacha ga.
N: Manik mera bhai ko kush Nahi bolana and she hugs Cabir.
M: Acha gi

The older enters and goes and sits beside them.

Raj: Bhai Ashok huma toh apki baby doll Bohot Pasand hai.
Ashok: Hor Hama apaka prince.

Nandini and Manik blush fab 5 and Navya hug them and the olders hugs each other and Manik and Nandini. Neyonika gives gold bagels to Nandini and blesses her. Nandini mom gives diamond ring to Manik and he takes her blessing. Pandit enters and decides the engagement date and marriages. The engagement date is two days after today and marriage is 20 days after. After pandit leaves the older start discussing about the engagement as its coming near and the Youngers make their move to the garden and goes and sits there.

So I end this chapter here I hope you guys love it. Guys please comment and vote. If u are even not liking it tell me. I will take everything.

An aesthetic journey from Ms Murty to Mrs Malhotra!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora