Part 54

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Manan and the gang were all having dinner.

Abhi: Guys what's the plan for Tomm!!!!

Cabir: Kal we will go see Taj Mahal and then we will go for shopping!!!

Manik: Yeah sounds like a plan!!!! (He said feeding Nandini while she was making him eat)

Alya: Girls I have an idea!

Nandini: What???

Alya: Why don't we have a girls night out today??? (She said excitingly)

All The boys make bad faces while the girls get excited.

Cabir: Dhruv Teri girlfriend ko yahi suj ta hai Kaya Yaar???

Manik: Ya Dhruv like seriously!!!

Dhruv: sorry guys!!

Abhi: Kaya Yaar I spended my whole day thinking mukti ka saath night main u know what I mean???

Nandini: Yeah it will be fun!!!!! (She exclaims) We will party, play games!!! (Manik looks at her with wide eyes while she didn't even look at him once)

Alya: Yeah come we will do it in my and Dhruv room!! (Alya looks towards Dhruv) baby please sleep with Manik today thank you!!

All the girls run towards Alya room while the boys were like "what the heck".

Cabir: Ya Kaya tha???

Manik: Nandini didn't even look at me once!! (He said making a bad face)

Abhi: Bus bag gayi???

Cabir: Chalo koi ni lets go to my room we will have boys night out!!!

They all were going to move when Nandini comes running to Manik. She pecks his lips!!

Nandini: Gn Manu love you so much!!! See you in morning!! (Saying that she runs before he could say anything)

Manik was standing their smiling like an idiot.

Abhi: Waha tuja toh kiss mil gayi Mera Kaya??

Cabir: or Mera??

Dhruv: Or Mera bhi???

They all move towards with bad face except Manik who was still smiling like an idiot over the same place.

Cabir: A Romeo Teri Juliet gayi come lets go to my room!! (He said while pulling Manik with him)

Alya room:
They all were settled on the bed.

Alya: Okay guys lets get some secrets out of each other today!! I will ask you guys a 5 question u have to answer them without any hesitation the questions are going to be same for you u all have to answer and I will too!! (Note: Hope you guys understood the game)

Alya: 1. So did u guys had any secret crush in your school or collage time???

Alya: Yes, I did in 10th standard their was one popular guy I had crush on him. He was really hot.

An aesthetic journey from Ms Murty to Mrs Malhotra!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora