Part 2

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Malhotra mansion: (morning-dinning table)
R: Manik I have called Ashok yesterday and told him that u are ready to meet Nandini. So Meet her at 5 pm at the Oberoi hotel.
M: (smiling widely) okay dad
C: Dekho to kitna kush ho raha hai.
Mu: u are right Cabir look at bhai so desperate to meet her.
M: Cabir shut up and Mukti tu bhi.
C: kyun bhai hum kyun apna muh band  rakha. (Sorry guys if u don't understand my hindi i am really bad in it).
M: Cabir agar tuna apna muh band nahi rakha tuja kaha jau ga.
C: Chii Chii Manik what will Nandu  think that she is getting married to a monster who eat humans.
M: (angrily) Cabir and runs behind him. Everybody were cracking up looking at them.
The half day passed with lot of masti and fun. Nandini had told Navya about her marriage thing Navya was so happy as she has met Manik one time. She finds him a really good guy which he is. Nandini had told her to come with her on which she readily agreed and Fab 5 is also accompanying Manik. All are excited and most excited are Manik and Nandini who are eagerly waiting to meet each other. 

Murty mansion: 3pm
Our princess was sleeping and her mom was trying to wake her up as always she has to get ready for her first meeting with Manik but she was doing nakras.
Nm: Nandini please get up. U have to get ready u have to go to meet Manik.
N:(cutely) Mama bush two more minutes I will wake up. Nandu promish.
Nm: Betha please apni mama ka liya aut ja.
N: (angry pout) Mama u Always do that.
Nm: (laughs) Because I don't have any other opinion left. Now wake up chalo
N: okay

She goes and gets ready and comes down wearing a beautiful black dress looking hot and sexy. On the other side Manik also gets ready looking handsome and hot. They both leave saying bye to their parents and they wish them best of luck for their first meeting.

Oberoi hotel:
Fab 5 enter first and people went crazy seeing them as they are famous. They took autographs and selfies with them and they politely gave them whatever they want. After sometime they requested their fans to give them some lone time and they leave and went to a area which was only reserved for them and Nandini and Navya. Nandini and Navya enters the hotel and goes towards that area. Navya notices that Nandini was so nervous. She takes her in a corner.

Navya: Nandini my doll what happen?
Nandini: (cutely) Your doll is so nervous. Everything is Happening so fast.
Navya: Intni si baat Nandu kabhi Na kabhi ya phase Teri life main Ana hi ta to chill Mar Na.
Nandini: (relaxes) Thank you Navu now I am feeling better.

Manik was impatiently waiting for Nandini as she should be here. Suddenly he sees two girls coming towards them he looks at the other girl which is Nandini and gets lost in her beauty. Her chubby cheeks, pouty lips, her big eyes. They reach them and Navya hugs Cabir and Kisses his cheek and she goes and takes her seat.They all say hey to Navya. Fab 5 already know Navya because of Cabir.Nandini also hugs Cabir and starts talking to him forgetting their are other people.

Nandini: (sadly pouting and cutely ) Cabir bhai u know how much I missed you and your company we did so much masti on that day. U just met me on that day after that u never met me again Ha I am not talking to u.
Cabir: Mera baby sorry Na and I never knew u missed me so much. How much u missed me??
Nandini: (pouting) I Missed you this much and she open her arms widely.

All went Awwww on her and Manik was totally flat on this cute little baby.
Cabir: (naughtingly) Nandu u remember what are u here for.

Nandini suddenly remembers and looks down embarrassingly. Everybody laughs she takes her seat beside Navya. Fab 4 start talking to Nandini they found her like a cute little baby doll as everyone does. Manik was just sitting their observing Nandini and was not saying anything. He just wanted to eat her up when she was doing all those cute pouts. Fab 5 was observing Manik as he was not saying anything and was just looking at Nandini and Nandu was also looking at Manik sometimes. All thought to leave them alone. Before anyone could say anything cabir spoke:

An aesthetic journey from Ms Murty to Mrs Malhotra!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora