Shout out+about update

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Guys please please go check out this story by @anjaligurega she is not getting a good response which is making her disappointed please go comment and vote on her story so that it motivates her to write more

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Guys please please go check out this story by @anjaligurega she is not getting a good response which is making her disappointed please go comment and vote on her story so that it motivates her to write more. Please👏🏻👏🏻

About update.......
I know you guys are waiting for an update for all of my stories but guys my working hours are increasing I am working full 8 hours non-stop from next week from Monday to Saturday. I will try my best to update I have one day off which is Sunday then I just have joined gym too where I spend two hours I don't know how I am going to update but I will defiantly try to update. Plus I don't why I am getting down with allergies a lot I already got it like 6th times in a month which is crazy I have to take care of this too so guys if I am late like super late in updating don't be disappointed I will update surely I will do it you guys just have to be patience with me. Love you all!❤️

An aesthetic journey from Ms Murty to Mrs Malhotra!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora