Snapchat - 1

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You snuggle on the sofa with your boyfriend Mark. His arm draped around you as your head leaned on his shoulder. Ryan was playing with Lego on the floor in front of you. He was filming the adorable dog ahead of him to put on snapchat.
Mark had wanted to keep your relationship a secret from the Internet, at least until he felt like he could protect you. He knew there were people who would be happy for you both, but then there were also people who would not be to pleased about the situation.
As Ryan continued to take photos of Lego he flipped to his front facing camera as his German Shepard licked his face with a slobbery kiss. Unaware to Ryan's photo Mark kissed your head as you snuggled more towards him.

Chica had gallantly ran over towards the sofa and Mark unwrapped his arm from around you to hug his dog. You slipped your phone out you pocket laughing at the two grown men playing with their dogs. You opened snapchat taking a photo of the two boys and giggling. All the people you had in there know yours and Marks secret so that want a worry for you. After you posted the picture you scrolled down to look at recent stories. Seeing Ryan's at the top you begin looking through his obscenely long story getting to the end image. It was the photo you had watched him take with Lego, but in the background you saw something you knew Mark would freak out about. It was him kissing your head. It wasn't obvious it was you but it would be making people talk.

You quickly switched over to your Twitter and typed in 'Markiplier'. The first post that appeared was a screenshot of Ryan's photo with multiple screenshots zooming further in with the caption '@markiplier umm sorry are we interrupting something?'. You looked over at Mark, and face-palmed at Ryan. Your grinning boyfriend looked over at you and you handing him your phone giggling to yourself. To be perfectly honest you found the whole situation rather amusing to say the least. Thats one way to expose the relationship I guess.
Marks sweet smile turned into frustrated yet amused confusion that plastered his face. The comments were increasing and it was soon known by more than a few people.
"Ryan, you are the biggest idiot I know and I'm going to kill you" Mark abounded standing up. Ryan dropped his phone and started running round the house, Mark following spewing random sentences with Ryan screaming in return. You on the other hand fell to the floor in laughter. You couldn't keep it in any longer.

As the two crazed idiots made another lap around the house, Mark picked up Ryan's phone filming the chase. Ryan soon gave up, sitting into the ground and held his hands to surrender.
Mark raised Ryan's phone anointing "Yes, I have a girlfriend. And she's beautiful and funny and just the cutest." He hit send and walked over to you once again holding the phone at arms length. "And I love her to pieces." He says bringing you into the view of the camera. Looking down at the floor Mark brings his free hand to your chin and turns it to face him. Placing a sweet kiss on your lips and stopping the recording.
"I don't care who knows anymore. I love you and I won't let anything happen to you." He whispered, pulling you into an embrace.


I am so sorry for how bad this is. I promise it will get better... One day at least. Thanks for reading. -A

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