Brothers Best Friend #2 - 13

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Part 2 peoples.

Your POV

It was 3 in the morning and the boys had gone to sleep half an hour ago. The day had been spent with them ordering pizza, playing more games, calling some people and watching a few films before they fell asleep at half two.

I hadn't seen Mark since earlier in the kitchen which was a little upsetting to say the least. Did I want to talk about it? I don't know. Did he want to talk about it? Doubt it. Did I want to do it again? Absolutely.
Being alone in my room all day with nothing to do and not one to talk to gave me way to much time to think. And being able to hear him all the time but not speak to him about anything was driving me insane. Damn it Sean, why do you have to have hot friends?

I couldn't sleep. To be honest I never normally get to sleep at a normal time anyway so it wasn't uncommon for me to be awake at this time. But I never expected to hear noises coming from along the hallway.
It kind of freaked me out. Nights were dead silent and any noise meant you were either being robbed, an animal had gotten into your house or paranormal activity was real. I highly doubted the last one, so it left two.
I held my phone out, shining the touch around my room. Nothing. All safe. I slid out of bed pulling on my jumper over my pj's to keep my warm in the bitterly cold house. I made my way over to the door, turning the handle and cracking the door open a few inches to sneak a peek before shining my touch out into the black obis.

At first I saw nothing but as I scanned the floor with the light from my doorway, I saw a pair of legs standing a few feet away. Taken by surprise, I beamed the light up to see who it was, fearing it may have been a crazed butt stabber. To my relief, the figure that stood in the hall was just Mark. I shon the rays up and down making sure it was him, suddenly realising he was shirtless. He wore black pyjama trousers and his thin glasses that looked really cute on him. But his body, oh boy. There was nothing girly or weak about him. I didn't think I could be more physically attracted to him but I was so wrong. His hair was messed up completely. Like he had been tossing and turning in his sleep or lack there of. It made me want to run my hands through the colourful fluff of hair on his head.

He strolled towards me, walking uninvitedly into my room. I closed the door and Mark turned on the light.
I held my hands to my eyes, the bright light burning like 10,000 fiery suns. "Jesus Christ Mark. Some warning would have been nice." I whisper yelled.
He chuckled at me. "Sorry." He smiled.
Mark sat on my bed bouncing up and down on it. I shock my head laughing as I sat next to him. "Hey. So I have been thinking about what happened earlier and I was wondering if you maybe wanted to be together? It's just- I have- like- liked you for so long and I- I- really do like you a lot." He stammered anxiously.
I smiled at his nervousness. "To be honest I have been doing the same. I would love to. You know I really like you too." I said shyly looking at the hem of my jumper I was playing with.

I looked back at him, his eyes sparkling and mouth stretched into a cute smile. He leant forward and placed a quick kiss on my lips. Then wrapping his arms around me, Mark shuffled closer engulfing me into a hug. My head lead on his shoulder and his head in my hair. "I wish I could stay with you all night" Mark confessed sighing.
I pulled away and looked into his dark eyes. "Why don't you?" I asked. Mark thought for a moment. I knew exactly what he was thinking. "Sean will sleep till at least 10 and Felix doesn't wake up till someone forces him awake." I told him trying to put his mind at rest.
"I'm worried we'll get caught." He whispered honestly.

I crawled across my bed and felt Marks eyes watching my every move. I took my jumper off so I was wearing my pj trousers and a band tee. I pulled the covers up and wriggled under. "We won't. I promise." I reassured. Mark smiled getting up, turning the light off as I held the corner of the duvet for him to slide in next to me. He climbed in, getting comfy, and enveloped his arms round my and I lead my head on his chest. He kissed my hair and we fell asleep in each others company. As I drifted off I listened to the rapped beating of Marks heart slow down next to my ear.


I wrote this half in my free period and half watching Mark after school today. I'm so behind but I have loads of ideas for new imagines so I may get a few written tonight. -A

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