Being Ill Sucks- 30

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You woke up coughing, clutching your stomach and keeling over in pain. Why? Why do I have to be ill? You thought to yourself. Flopping your head back into the pillow you groan. Your trout burned like 1000 suns and your hear felt like you had millions of tinny people drumming in your brain. Mark nuzzled his head in the crook of your neck making you smile until the pounding in your head started again.
"You alright?" Mark asked, his raspy morning voice still prominent.
You look over to him, "I think I might be dying." You moan before burying your face in the grey pillow.
Mark giggled slightly. "I don't think you are dying my love. That's a little extreme." He laughed kissing your cheek.
You shook your head, your face still up against the pillow. "Nope. I'm defiantly dying." You protest lifting your head slowly and sitting up agains the headboard of the bed.
"Well I guess if your dying then I won't be able to give you ice cream to make you feel better and I'll have to eat it." He teased, slipping out of bed and pulling on some trousers.
Your eyes widened. "Well I guess I'm not dying exactly. Maybe just severely injured or on the brink of collapsing. Or.. Um." You make up, trying to take back what you said.
Mark just shook his head and laughed. "You coming downstairs to collapse on the sofa all day or are you staying here?" He asked leaning on his side of the bed.
You thought for a moment. "I'll come down." You smile, crawling off the bed and standing up next to Mark. You started to go really dizzy and almost fell over. Grabbing onto Mark, you steadied yourself and looked at him. "I was defiantly meant to do that!" You lied chuckling.
He laughed at your inability to stand. "Come here you." He spoke, picking you up bridal style and carrying you down the stairs and into the living room.

When he got in, he lead you on the sofa and walked to the kitchen. "Hey (Y/N). Do you want Paracetamol or Ibuprofen?" He called from the other room.
You rolled your eyes. "I don't care. They kinda do the same thing don't they? I don't know." You called back.
Mark walked in the room holding up two boxes. "Well this one says its for mild pain like headaches but this one says its for pain, like flu stuff?" He studied the packs.
"Sooooo, they do the same thing really." You asked.
He looked at them them some more and handed you two tablets. "Take these ones." He told you running back into the kitchen to get some water. When he came back, the water was sloshing around in the glass and half of it was probably on the floor leading from the kitchen.
You took the tablets and swallowed them quickly, not likening the taste in your mouth. "Thanks Marki." He kissed you on the cheek and went back into the kitchen.

//Time Skip// wooooooow a few hours.

Mark had just finished recording and you were still lead on the sofa, motionless in a white blanket, contently flicking between YouTube and Gravity Falls. (This has been me for 5 days ha) Mark walked in with two bowls in his hand. Placing them on the coffee table, he lifted the top half of your body up and sat down, laying your head on his legs. He ran his fingers through your soft (y/h/c) hair and hummed a tune. Your big eyes looked up at him and he smiled down at you. "Hey beautiful. How are you feeling?" He asked.
You propped yourself up, leaning your head I his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around you. "I could be worse. I'm feeling better then I did this morning." You spoke happily, your voice sounding croaky and unused.
Mark picked up the two bowls from the table. "Do you want ice cream? Don't worry if you don't fee-" he was interrupted by your smile and your eyes lighting up. "I'll take that as a yes then." He giggled handing you the bowl. You snuggled up together and ate your ice cream, occasionally stealing spoonfuls from each other's bowls.

When the bowls were empty Mark stacked them on the table and cuddled up to you. "Mark. You being so close is going to make you sick too." You warned him.
He simply shrugged. "It doesn't matter to me. I just want to make sure your alright." He spoke softly, kissing your hair.
You snuggled in closer. "Thank you Mark. I love you." You told him.
"I love you to pumpkin." He smiled.


MARK. JACK. SUITS. YESTERDAY! I'm not okay. They both looked so cute! -A

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